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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 645

"Karen!" Kevin Kyle grabbed Karen Daly's hand in utter excitement.

This time, he was 100 percent sure that he did not just hallucinate, but indeed, Karen moved. She gave him a response.

"Karen, don't rush it, let's take it slowly. You can get up slowly..." Kevin was so exhilarated that he did not know what to do, just like a silly boy. It seemed inappropriate to hold onto Karen tightly, but he did not want to let go of her either.

After going to great lengths, spending so much time and effort, the wait seemed like years...

Upon Kevin's anticipation day and night, finally, Karen opened her eyes slowly.

However, as she had been unconscious for too long, just as she opened her eyes, she felt a beam of glaring sunlight. The light hurt her eyes, and she tore uncontrollably. Instinctively, she shut her eyes.

"Karen, don't worry. I'll draw the curtains together then you can try opening your eyes again." Through Karen’s subtle movement, Kevin knew what she needed. He quickly drew the curtains and closed the door. The lights dimmed and the room got darker. He returned to Karen's side and said, "Karen, try to open your eyes again."

Karen slowly opened her eyes again. However, because the light in the room was too dim, she could not see Kevin clearly even though he was close at hand.

"Karen, get used to this for a while, and see if it gets better later." Kevin's nervous voice echoed in Karen's ears. It was not difficult to notice that word he said portrayed his care and affection towards Karen.

"Kevin..." Karen opened her mouth, but she could not make a sound.

Although it was just a small act of opening her eyes and mouth, she already used up almost all her strength.

Karen thought to herself, "How can I be so useless and make Kevin worry?"

But for Kevin, it was beyond delighted that Karen could wake up. So what if she could not speak for the time being?

"Karen, it doesn't matter. Let's take the time to recover slowly!" Kevin bent over and kissed her forehead gently.

At this moment, he was overjoyed. He waited for three months. With him feeling disappointed day after day, Karen woke up miraculously today. What else could excite him more than this?

When Kevin kept reassuring her, Karen felt even more anxious, because she didn't want him to be sad for her.

She moved and tried to sit up. However, because she had been in a coma for too long and her body was in poor condition, she only managed to budge a little and then lied down. "Karen, we're not in a hurry!" Kevin touched her face and said, "I'll call the doctor over."

Since Karen could not say anything, Kevin did not wait for her answer. He summoned a few doctors who were on-call.

Karen was completely awake, which meant she was entirely out of critical condition.

When the doctors saw her, they all breathed a great sigh of relief and smiled. They have not smiled this wide for a long time.

It meant that they could save themselves from being executed together with Karen, if unfortunately Karen could never wake up again.

After a series of hard work, Karen was prescribed intravenous nutrition, and many methods were taken to aid her recovery in strength.

After the doctors left, Karen finally opened her eyes. As soon as she opened them, her first thought was to touch her abdomen.

However, as soon as she moved her hand slightly, Kevin grabbed her. A hint of pain flashed across his eyes and he said, "Karen, don't think about anything else. Just lie down."

Karen looked at him. He seemed worn out, and her heart ached when she saw him.


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