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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 659

Karen Daly tightened her hands around Kevin Kyle's neck, as if she wanted to swear her sovereignty to those who coveted Kevin.

She wanted to tell everyone that this man already had a wife so they needed to back off.

Kevin knew what Karen was doing. He was also smiling so brightly that he looked extremely charming.

It turned out that your mood would change according to your lover's mood.

When she was happy, he felt that the whole world was so beautiful.

When she was upset, he would feel that the world was dark.

His mood now depended on another's feelings. In the past, he was never like this as he found it important to hold himself well. But now, he liked it very much.

It was just because the other party was his beloved wife!

"Kevin, how do you feel when you hear other women talking about you?" Sometimes, Karen really wanted to go into Kevin's mind to see if he was as calm as he looked.

"Is someone talking about me?" Kevin really did not care about what others said. He only cared about the woman on his back.

"Kevin, I'm sure you heard it. Or are you trying to make me happy?" Karen asked with a smile.

It did not matter if he heard or did not hear others' discussion, this answer made Karen happier, and she smiled so widely that it seemed like she had picked up a priceless treasure.

"Surely he must have been too busy thinking about me to mind others?" Karen thought.

The sun shone brightly, but because the wind was cold, the sea felt a little cold too.

Kevin was glad that he did not let Karen get into the water. Otherwise, she would catch a cold.

Kevin walked forward slowly. It seemed that he intended to carry her on his back and walk on forever.

"Kevin, I really want to go down and take a walk on my own." Karen leaned on Kevin's back and rubbed against him like a kitten. She hoped that her husband could let her be willful for once.

'No way!" Kevin refused again.

"But I really want to walk by myself." She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. She even used the honey trap.

"No way!" This time, Kevin refused without any hesitation and directly cut off Karen's hope.

"What a bully!" Karen murmured.

"When this man is a domineering bully, there is really no room for negotiation at all. But he looks quite attractive in this way." Karen thought to herself.

"When the weather is better and you are feeling better, let's come here again for a walk." Kevin added. He couldn't bear to see Karen's disappointment.

"Are we staying here for a long time?" The trip needed to be short as Kevin still had a lot of things to do back home. Karen thought that they would leave in a few days.

This was the place she had been wishing to visit for a long time, but she had been at the hotel since they arrived.

It was not easy for Karen to come out and take a walk today, but Kevin had many restrictions. He was like a mother.

When did their Director Kevin become like this?

"We can stay here for a few months and go back when summer comes," Kevin said.


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