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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 683

After realizing his family's importance, Jason Lesley said excitedly, "Mr. President, don't worry. I will protect Miss Kyle well, and I will not let any information get leaked out. If she ever lost a strand of hair, you can have my life."

"I trust you and your family." The President nodded with satisfaction, "Then you should go back first. Please have Samantha take good care of her for me. You must remember that she must have a lamp on when she sleeps."

When Little Karen was almost four years old, she was caught and locked up in a sealed bucket. Since then, she had been particularly afraid of the dark. After so many years, she was still afraid.

He remembered this detail very well, so he repeated the same detail to Jason too.

Jason was the right- hand man of the President, and Samantha was his younger sister. She went to New York to study three years ago, and she happened to become Karen Joy Kyle's classmate.

Surely, this couldn't be a coincidence.

All of this was arranged by the President. He placed his closest comrades to be alongside Karen Joy, so he could get updates about her too.

More than a decade had passed. He had grown to be a mature man, and now he was the new President of Country A. His Little Karen had grown from being a little toddler to a graceful young lady.

Besides, she remembered what he had told her before. If she wanted to see Brother Lionel, she could come to him with the special necklace that he had given her after she grew up.

She was finally here, but he couldn't see her due to many complications. He couldn't meet her, so he could only protect her silently behind her back.

After Jason left, Zuriel Perth came in. Seeing their new President staring at him in a daze, he was worried and said, "Third Young Master, the day after tomorrow is your inauguration ceremony. Everyone will be watching you. You can’t make any mistakes."

No one else knew what the Third Young Master's intentions were, but Zuriel, who had always been with him and was several years older than him, knew that the Third Young Master had been worried about the child throughout all these years.

He always prepared something for her birthday every year and asked someone to send it to her. However, because the gifts were sent anonymously, his gifts would drown in the pit of all her other birthday gifts.

He had sent gifts to her for more than ten years now. Even if she had never opened up his gifts, he still sent them to her every year. He never missed her birthday and this year was no different.

However, Karen Joy's birthday gift that was sent to New York lately was ignored again. This time, Karen Joy flew to Country A alone before her birthday celebration.

Lionel didn't respond to Zuriel. His eyes were still looking at the photo on the desk. It seemed that he was so absorbed that he didn't hear Zuriel's words.

Zuriel added, "Third Young Master, when the child grows up, she will have her own life, and she will fall in love with other men. Maybe she will meet a man who can protect her for the rest of her life soon."

"So what?" Lionel looked at the photo of Little Karen and questioned Zuriel without even looking at him.

No matter how old the child was, no matter who she would meet in the future... As her big brother, couldn't he protect her?

"Nothing." Zuriel coughed and said, "Your fiance, the daughter of the Silas family, is definitely going to attend the inauguration ceremony with you. I just want to remind you of that fact."


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