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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 705


Karen Joy Kyle was so delighted and caught off guard that she felt like she was floating on cloud nine.

Before tonight, she was still worried about finding her Brother Lionel. But at this moment, she was nestled in Brother Lionel's arms. He kissed her and even said that he liked her.

It was amazing how the world worked out for her. She was in the bottom of the Earth one day and suddenly, she was up in the skies, floating happily.

She really wanted to respond and tell Brother Lionel that she also liked him, but she was reluctant to break the silence at this moment.

She really wished that they would remain in this serene moment forever and ever.


A sudden pain came from Karen Joy's lips, which made her cry out gently. Just as she was about to question him, she heard him say, "Didn't your mother teach you to focus when you are kissing?"

Brother Lionel had the guts to say that her mother did not teach her the art of kissing. Since when did her mother have to teach her about kissing?

"Well, since your mother didn't teach you, I will teach you in the future." Brother Lionel teased playfully.

Karen Joy was at a loss for words.

Brother Lionel continued, "That's a deal."

Karen Joy could not see him, but it was not difficult to hear his joy in his voice.

On that night, everything seemed to be calm, but in fact, a lot of things were going on.

The relationship between Brother Lionel and Karen Joy might no longer be as innocent and simple as it used to be, as their love grew to be more intense and deeper.

After returning home and lying on her warm bed, Karen Joy was thinking of her time with Brother Lionel and the two kisses.

The two kisses were the first, romantic kisses between her and Brother Lionel.

Why did Brother Lionel kiss her like this?

Did he have more feelings for her besides a sibling's love?

She always regarded Brother Lionel as her


However, when she was with Brother Lionel earlier, she did not stop him from touching her. She did not reject him from kissing her. In addition, she was also looking forward to his advances.

How odd was that...

Didn't she regard him as her brother all this time?

Why did the relationship between the two of them suddenly change?

Karen Joy couldn't fall asleep even after tossing and turning around. She looked at the ceiling in a daze, thinking that it would be great if she had someone to talk to.

Samantha Lesley?

Forget it, she wouldn't understand. Karen Joy wouldn't expect Samantha to help her solve her relationship problems.

Except for Samantha, who else could she go to?

Her mother?

Right, her mother could help her solve her relationship problems.

Karen Joy checked the time. It was three o'clock in the wee hours of the morning, and there was a twelve-hour time difference with

New York.


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