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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 787

The temporary school was in a relatively spacious tent, and there was a large tent built for each class. It was a little crowded, but the children did not mind it at all, they were all oddly in a good mood today.

Just as Karen Joy Kyle walked near the tent, she heard the noise of these lively children. The noise was so loud that it almost overturned the whole tent.

"Children are always so energetic." Hearing the children's energetic voices, Karen Joy smiled.

Children at this age were supposed to be like this, not like her little precious at home. He was obviously 8 years old, but he made himself look like an old man.

Karen Joy stepped into the room. A child immediately shouted, "Sister Jar is here. Everyone, be quiet."

Almost in an instant, the small temporary classroom was so quiet that everyone stared at their new teacher with wide eyes.

Under everyone's gaze, Karen Joy stepped forward to the front of the children and said with a smile, "Dear children, don't be shy. You can do whatever you want."

Do whatever they wanted?

Was that a mistake? Was this what a qualified teacher would say?

The children were about eight or nine years old, and they were all in their third grade. They were all sensible children.

Listening to the teacher's words, their eyes widened.

Was the teacher serious?

Could they really do whatever they wanted?

Was the teacher fooling with them?

In a short period of time, the children got so confused that they looked at each other and finally looked at the new teacher unanimously.

"Yes, everyone did very well. Good that you know that you shouldn't be too loud in class, but after class, you can do whatever you want." Karen Joy was very satisfied with the children's reaction, and at the same time, she reasoned with them nicely.

"Sister Jar, we like it when you teach." As the class monitor, Peter raised his hand and spoke on behalf of the whole class.

People with good looks would always be popular wherever they went.

Children did not lie about that. Looking at a beautiful teacher teaching them, of course, it was so much different than having an old lady teaching them.

"I'm glad that everyone likes me!" Karen Joy bowed to the children and said, "I'll introduce myself first, then all of you will introduce yourselves one by one. Today, we will tell stories and play games in this class."

"Okay." The students were in high spirits and shouted in unison.

Karen Joy smiled and continued, "Well, then I'll introduce myself first."

The children in the disaster area had just experienced the earthquake, and they were also survivors. All of them were very lucky to have survived the major disaster.

Karen Joy believed that for them, studying was not the priority right now, and she had to bring them out of the trauma they experienced from the earthquake so that they were mentally healthy. Then, they could study more efficiently.

Under everyone's curious gaze, Karen Joy said slowly, "My name is Karen Joy, and I will be your teacher for the next month. You can call me Miss Kyle, or Sister Karen Joy, or Sister Jar. Any of these names."


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