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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 828

On Misty Mountain.

Misty Mountain always appeared hazy and misty on most days, hence it lived up to its name.

The mountain was shrouded in fog and mist, like a fantasy fairy realm on earth. Therefore, some people would refer to Misty Mountain as a 'fairy mountain'.

It rained a lot there too.

Serene Silas remembered that it had been nearly a month since she arrived there, and it had been raining for more than half the time she was there.

Whenever it rained, it seemed like it would never stop.

Serene sat by the window of the room and looked blankly out of the window. Looking at the falling rain, she tried to stretch her hand out to feel it.

Today, the weather in the Misty Mountain was very cold. When the window was opened, a cold gust of air rushed straight into the room, which made Serene shiver.

But she didn't seem to feel cold. She collected the rain in the palm of her hand, then she released it to the ground. She did this over and over again.

She was playing with the rain like a child. After a while, a vague smile could be seen on her lips.

A smile?

Yes, it should be a smile.

After being assaulted that day, the devil didn't come for her again. She didn't have to suffer that inhuman torture anymore. She should be happy.

But with a careful observation, you could see very clearly that the smile on her lips was not a heartfelt smile, but a helpless, bitter smile.

She was a bird being imprisoned. She couldn't escape from the cage and couldn't fly away to her deserved freedom. How could she not feel helpless?

Having lived here for nearly a month, she did try to find ways to escape. She knew that her freedom was limited to her room and the balcony outside. Whenever she tried to walk somewhere else, someone would always appear behind her and stop her.

She even thought about jumping out of her window. But there was nothing hard in this room to tear down the steel bars on the windows.

She could not escape, so she could only wait. She needed to wait for an opportunity to escape from here.

She only hoped that the day would come sooner. She was afraid that her physical condition would not allow her to hold on for too long.

"Little Rain, can you hear me talking?" Serene held a handful of rainwater and asked softly, but she felt that she was too ridiculous. How could the rain hear her out? She must be going crazy.

"Little Rain... What a beautiful name!" Serene looked at the rainwater in her palm and said gently. In a trance, she felt like she could see a child lying in her palm.

A child who had just been born, naked and pitifully small, lay so quietly in the palm of her hand.

Looking at the imaginary figure, she suddenly burst into tears. "Little Rain, are you a girl or a boy?"

"It doesn't matter, I will like you anyway, because..." She wanted to give this beautiful name to the baby she lost, imagining that her baby was lying in her palm.

She could imagine the child's touch and skin.

She could even imagine that the child was responding to her words.

Serene slowly raised her hand, holding the handful of rainwater close to her face, as if she was near her baby.


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