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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 838

Burly and Shane stepped forward and stood beside Karen Joy Kyle. "How can we let you go alone? The three of us will go together."

Karen Joy was worried about Yaya and said, "Burly will go with me. Shane, look after Yaya."

Because of the thick fog, their vision was limited. Even though the "dead body" that was wrapped in the white sheet was just a few steps ahead of them, they couldn't see it clearly.

As they were closer to it, Karen Joy could finally take a clear look at the "dead body", it had long hair, so she should be a woman... Thinking of a woman being killed and thrown in a place like this, she felt so distressed that she couldn't help but frown.

Burly said with concern, "Little Jar, you stay here. I'll go and have a look."

Karen Joy shook her head and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

They went forward together and lifted the "dead body". As they were doing so, Karen Joy saw the face of the "dead body".

"Sister Serene?" She exclaimed.


How could it possibly be her?

Wasn't Sister Serene with her beloved man?

Why was she here?

"Little Jar, do you know her?" Burly was also staring at the woman. The woman looked familiar but he couldn't remember where had he met her.

When Serene rolled down the slope, her face was injured by weeds and thorns, and her hair scattered all over her face. It was not surprising that those who had only seen her on TV couldn't recognize her.

Karen Joy immediately hugged Serene. Her body was so cold that she couldn't feel any warmth emitting from her body. If it wasn't for her faint breath, Karen Joy would have thought that she was dead.

She glanced at Serene's naked feet and found that there was a snare pierced into her right foot. Maybe because it was there for too long, her foot was so swollen and turned purple. "Burly, quickly remove the trap."

Damn it!

Damn it!

Who on earth could do such evil things to a weak woman?

If they didn't come for an adventure today, Serene would have died here.

Thinking of what might happen, Karen Joy was so scared that she felt a shiver down her spine.

She hugged Serene as she patted her back with one hand, trying to warm her up.

"Sister Serene, you will be okay. You will be okay." Karen Joy called Serene's name over and over again. Karen Joy looked at Serene in distress as she tried hard to hold back her tears.

Burly sat on the ground, with great effort he managed to remove the snare from Serene's foot. "Little Jar, what should we do now?", he asked Karen Joy.

"Tell everyone that we won't join them for the adventure. Let's go back first. Her life is more important." Karen Joy held Serene's cold body tightly, took a breath as she said calmly.

Burly returned to the group and was about to explain the situation to everyone when he saw a strange man approaching them. The man said, "Miss."

It was Blake White.

When Karen Joy saw him, she was a little surprised and said, "Blake, let's get her down the mountain and send her to the nearest hospital. We can't lose any more time."

"Yes. We'll send her down the mountain right away." Blake was so strong that he could pick Serene up in one lift.

Karen Joy followed Blake and thought of something. She turned back and said to Burly, "Burly, make sure everyone returns safely, we will go first. Also, ask everyone to keep this a secret. No one is allowed to mention anything about it. Don't get yourselves in trouble."

Serene was still the fiancee of Mr. President, and she was previously involved in the murder case. No matter what the truth about her was, it was better not to say anything about it.


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