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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 882

Karen Joy Kyle had always remembered her mother's words.

Her life's journey had just begun, she still had a long way to go. It was impossible for her parents to keep sheltering her from problems in life.

She had to eventually be responsible for her own life.

As the leader of Country A, Brother Lionel was very busy every day. It was impossible for him to keep her company all the time just to make her happy.

After understanding this point, she decided to use other methods to help Brother Lionel, for example going to the disaster area to help the victims, serving as a teacher in the disaster area, and making friends with Yaya and the others.

She was trying hard to integrate into the lifestyle of the country's people, trying to excel, learning how to be an excellent first lady, and preparing to be Brother Lionel's wife in the future.

She had been working hard and never thought of giving up. However, she felt that the distance between Brother Lionel and herself was still large. She could see him, but she couldn't reach him.

It was as if there was a mountain between them. No matter how hard she tried, she could not reach his side. She could not let him hold her hand nor declare to the world that she was the girl he liked and the only one he wanted to marry.


But yet, she was the almighty 'Karen Joy Kyle', the daughter of Kevin Kyle, the leader of Rovio!

In school, she was the popular person whom everyone wanted to ingratiate themselves with but couldn't. In the past, the others looked up to her, but now she could only look up to her Brother Lionel.

Now, her emotions were no longer under her control, instead they changed with Brother Lionel's attitudes towards her.

Karen Joy lowered her head and kept silent. Jayden Elias Kyle grabbed her and made her look at him. "Rovio has properties all over the world, but none of those are important. Because you, Karen Joy Kyle, is Rovio's biggest and most valuable treasure!"

"The most valuable treasure?" Karen Joy laughed, but her eyes were tearing out of frustration. "I'm greedy. Not only do I want to be the most important treasure of the Kyle family, but I also want to be the most important treasure in Nathaniel's heart. I want him to have his eyes and heart on me only."

Shaking her head, Karen Joy continued to say, "I know that my request is too much and too unreasonable, but I can't help but expect that. I want Brother Lionel to belong to me, and only me alone, not to the people of Country A."

Jayden held Karen Joy's shoulders and shook her hard. "Karen, that's not too much, nothing you request is too much."

Karen Joy shook her head and said, "How is it not too much? To want the President of a country to only care about me, how is that not too much?"

Jayden stared at her and said slowly, "Because you are our precious Karen Joy Kyle, you should deserve the best. If Nathaniel can't love you with all his heart, then he is not worthy of your love."

Karen Joy smiled bitterly and said, "Just because I am Karen Joy? If I don't have this identity, then what else am I? Am I worthless?"

Karen Joy's words made Jayden frown, and he added, "In my heart, Karen Joy is confident and proud of herself. No matter where she is, she is always the center of attention. But now look at you, because of Nathaniel, what are you turning yourself into?"

Karen Joy murmured, "I don't know what I'm turning into, maybe I became like this when I left the Kyle family. Maybe this is the real me."

Jayden grabbed her hand and dragged her away. "Karen, if you have forgotten who you are, I will help you."

Karen Joy wanted to get rid of his hand, but he clasped her hand tightly. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break free. She was so furious that she shouted, "Jayden, let me go. I don't need your help."

Jayden roared, "Karen, shut up!"


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