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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 888

Serene, it's me. Don't you recognize my voice any more?

The impact of this sentence on Serene Silas was a hundred or even a few thousand times more powerful than an atomic bomb.

Before she had time to calm her mind down, a familiar male voice came from the phone again, "Serene, I'm back!"

Another blow blasted at Serene, making her confused about where she was, and what day it was.

It took Serene a long time to recover from the shock. She took a deep breath and said, "Who are you exactly?"

Perhaps the person on the other end of the phone had the same voice as Jackie, or maybe someone had deliberately impersonated Jackie's voice, or maybe there were a lot of maybes...

In short, the man on the other end of the phone had nothing to do with her Jackie. The man in front of her was her Jackie.

Serene told herself this, but at the next moment, the familiar voice at the end of the phone gave Serene a very certain answer.

He said with a voice that Serene was very familiar with, "You once told me that you will definitely be Mrs. Leves in this life. I kept that in my heart. You better not forget that."

Yes, she had personally told Jackie that she would be Mrs. Leves for the rest of her life and marry him. She remembered it clearly.

She had always remembered it, even if the sky was falling and the earth was shattering, she would not forget what she had told him personally.

But how did the person on the other end of the phone know about it?

Only she and Jackie knew about this. Only they knew. How did the man with the same voice as Jackie knew about it?

Just as Serene's thoughts were in a mess, the person at the other end of the phone said, "Serene, I have come back alive. Are you happy?"


Of course, she was happy that her Jackie had come back alive, but at this very moment she also had a 'Jackie' with her.

Just as Serene was completely confused about the situation, Jackie's voice came from the phone again. "Serene, come out quickly. I will wait for you at the usual place. I'll not leave until you come."

After finishing his words, the man on the other end of the phone hung up the phone, not giving her any chance to speak or to refuse.

In the past, this was what Jackie would always do to her too.

Jackie would call her to ask her to come out and meet and never gave her a chance to refuse. As long as he called her to meet up, he would wait until she went to see him.

Moreover, Jackie would turn off his phone after he had hung up the phone, which was his way of avoiding her rejection.

Thinking of this, Serene immediately called back. As expected, the machine voice came from the phone-The phone you've dialed is unavailable, please call again later!

The voice, the past, and the way he called her, and the man on the phone were all in line with the Jackie that she remembered.

What was going on?

Was she hallucinating?

Wasn't her Jackie standing right in front of her?


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