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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 923

"Karen Joy, what's wrong?"

Serene Silas' worried voice came from the phone.

As Karen Joy Kyle had turned on the speaker function on her phone, Serene's voice was particularly loud in the quiet room.

After asking this, Serene waited for a while but she did not get any response from Karen Joy so she asked again, "Karen Joy, are you there?"

Karen Joy was afraid, so afraid that her fingers that were holding the phone were trembling uncontrollably. She felt like her world was crumbling around her.

But she knew that she couldn't be frightened!

She kept telling herself that she mustn't be afraid. How could she be distracted by fear? Especially now, when she didn't even know what Brother Lionel's actual condition was, she had to stay calm and brave.

At this critical moment, her wide range of experience, and her courage could definitely help her. With some self-control, Karen Joy gradually calmed down.

She clenched her fist and bit her lips forcefully. When she started to speak again, her voice was calm, "Sister Serene, where are you now?"

Karen Joy asked Serene in a soft and crisp voice. Her tone was very comforting to the ear. Anyone who was listening to her would definitely want to treat her well, because of her gentle and delicate tone of voice.

"I am at home." Unconsciously, Serene had used the word 'home'. Perhaps in her opinion, no matter where she was, as long as she was with Jackie Leves, that place would be her home.

At home?

Was Serene really at home?

Or was she lying to Karen Joy like Jason Lesley did?

Karen Joy was not sure, so she continued to ask, "Sister Serene, have you received any news about Brother Lionel?"

As she was asking Serene this, Karen Joy listened attentively and waited for her reply.

Karen Joy was not speaking to Serene in person, so she wouldn't be able to judge from Seren's facial expression if whatever she said was the truth. Hence, she could only deduce from Serene's tone of voice, if Serene actually did know about Brother Lionel's helicopter incident.

Serene's gentle voice reached Karen Joy's ears again. "Not long ago, I saw the news and found out that Nathaniel had gone to the disaster area. What's wrong? Didn't you watch the news?"

Serene seemed to be speaking very naturally. It didn't seem like she was lying, and it didn't seem like she was pretending...

Did she really not know what had happened to Brother Lionel?

Just as Karen Joy was caught in a dilemma, Serene's pleasant voice came again. "Karen Joy, I have a call coming in. Let me pick that up first, okay?"

Another call?

Karen Joy trembled, and she hurriedly asked, "Sister Serene, who is it?"

Just when Karen Joy was asking this question, Serene, who was on the other end of the phone, had already hung up the phone. Serene must have not heard her question at all.

Could it be a call from the North Palace?

Karen Joy felt torn. She hoped that it was a call from the North Palace, but at the same time, she hoped that it was not.

If it was a phone call from the North Palace, it could mean that Brother Lionel's condition was very serious. If it was not, then the situation might not be as serious as she had imagined.

After waiting a while, Karen Joy dialed Serene's number again. After the call was connected, an automated voice message came through the phone, indicating that the other party was in the middle of another call.


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