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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 926

More than a decade!

How long was that?

More than a decade!

What did that mean?

Karen Joy Kyle could not think too much about this.

She only knew that when she was still a four-year-old baby girl, there was a boy who was pampering and protecting her. In her heart, he was her hero.

For more than ten years, what she had yearned for most, was to grow up as soon as possible. Once she had grown up and become capable, she would go and find the hero who should have been hers but had left.

Before coming to Country A, she only had a necklace with a special totem that he had given her. It had taken her nearly three years to find any information on the totem, and she had put in a lot of effort to discover clues to lead her to him.

Now that she had finally found him, how could she let him abandon her again so easily? The both of them hadn't spent enough quality time with each other.


Absolutely not!

She would never let him abandon her!

She had to try all means, she must bring him back!

Karen Joy bit her lip hard and forced herself to calm down again.

Since she could no longer get any information from the North Palace, she had to think of another way. No matter what it would cost her, she had to be by Brother Lionel's side.

Ring, ring, ring—

In the quiet night, the ear-piercing ringtone suddenly rang. Karen Joy was startled and immediately answered the phone.


She hoped that the person who made this call was Brother Lionel, so her 'hello' was particularly soft, as if she was afraid that Brother Lionel would be frightened and would hang up the phone if she had spoken too loudly.


A deep male voice came from the phone, low, pleasant and sexy, and it was Karen Joy's most familiar voice.

He called out her name, but his voice was as gentle as flowing water, as if he wanted to give her all the tenderness and love in the world.

"Brother Lionel?"

Karen Joy couldn't believe what she was hearing.

She quickly pulled at her own ear, took the phone, and looked at it repeatedly, just to make sure that someone was actually talking to her. She wanted to ensure that she was not hallucinating.


The man on the phone called her name again, his voice was still gentle as ever. The mellow tone brought her a sense of tenderness and sweetness.

Was it really Brother Lionel?

Was it really him?

She didn't hear it wrong, did she?

Karen Joy was so nervous that she was clenching her fists. She was so nervous. She wanted to ask him so many questions, but couldn't make a sound.

After a long pause, she calmed down a little so she asked, "Brother Lionel, is it really you?" Karen Joy asked in a very soft voice. Her tone was so careful and tentative. It brought with it a sense of heartache. That was how much she cared about Brother Lionel.

"Silly girl, if it's not me, who else could it be?" The man chuckled.

His laughter, from the other end of the phone, was deep and very pleasant to the ears.


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