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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 935

"Brother Lionel, I know you're doing fine. You must take good care of yourself. You can't let anyone hurt you, do you understand?"

She worried so much about Nathaniel Cooper that she almost broke down. However, except for shouting at the dark window, Karen Joy Kyle still couldn't do anything.

She was the daughter of Kevin Kyle from Rovio, so she always had everything she wanted. Her father also hired a team of people to protect her at all times. For a long period, she thought she was an invincible superhero.

Now that she had encountered an obstacle, she realized how incompetent she was. She figured she could do nothing to help Brother Lionel except to wait in silence.

She wanted to know more things and hoped that she could have enough strength to accompany him in facing life's challenges. Especially now, when he needed her help the most.

"Brother Lionel, can you hear me? I'm worried about you. You won't make me sad, will you?"

She thought that Brother Lionel should know how worried she was about him. But he didn't tell her anything at all. If she couldn't figure out his plan, she would be miserable.

In order not to break her heart, he would have to protect himself and ensure that those enemies are not able to achieve their goals.


As if responding to Karen Joy's thoughts, her phone suddenly beeped with an incoming text, and the number that appeared belonged to Brother Lionel.

"Brother Lionel?"

Karen Joy wondered how the sender could be Brother Lionel. It was so unexpected and unbelievable. She felt surprised but did not open the text message. An inexplicable worry surged in her heart.

If her previous assumption was correct, then Brother Lionel shouldn't be sending her a message at this time.

If someone had her mobile phone monitored, and the enemy knew that Brother Lionel was doing all right, their plan would be exposed, wouldn't it?

Karen Joy felt anxious, so she stared at the text for a long time without clicking on it. She even foolishly imagined that if she couldn't see the message, the enemy couldn't too.

She clenched her fists tensely. Just when she was at a loss, an idea suddenly came to her mind. Could this message possibly be a fake?

This was very likely!

The enemy might have employed a hacker to send her a message using Brother Lionel's number. In reality, Brother Lionel didn't know anything about it.

Chances were high that it was the enemy's ploy. Therefore, she should continue to pretend that she did not know how to deal with the enemy to deceive them.

It seemed that what she just thought of, the enemy also pondered as well. So, they would exhaust more ways just to prove whether the news of Brother Lionel's death was true or false.

With this thought in mind, Karen Joy finally opened the message, "Karen, I got stuck in a traffic jam just after the road was closed by heavy snow. I'm downstairs now. Please come now."

Sure enough, Karen Joy guessed it right. Sure enough, the enemy used a hacker, which made her think that it was a text message from Brother Lionel, but in fact, it was not.

Previously, Karen Joy pretended she had no idea that Nathaniel was dead. Now that the news had spread all over the Internet. If she kept on pretending not to know, it would inevitably result in the enemy's suspicion.

Thus, she must have had an update concerning Brother Lionel's death.

If the enemy knew of her existence, then they must have found out about her relationship with Brother Lionel by now.

Being Brother Lionel's girlfriend, she would surely be distressed by the news of his death. This incident would be the best time to test her acting skills.


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