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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 986

At the Coast City International Airport.

As the largest airport in Country A, many flights were flying in and out of the country every day. The majestic planes flying across the vast sky daily served as beautiful scenery in the city.

On that day, the Kyle family's plane would take off from this very town too, and its destination was New York. Therefore, before the Kyle family arrived at the airport, there was a person waiting at the watchtower.

He looked the same as usual. He was donning a black suit, standing still at the entrance, quietly watching the planes flying in and out of the airport.

When a plane with a special logo slowly approached the boarding entrance, he became alert. He stared at the plane and did not even look away.

The private plane of Rovio's boss looked similar to other planes. However, there was a special logo on the body of the plane, 'Rovio Airlines'. This caught Nathaniel's attention in an instant.

"Sir, your binoculars." Jason Lesley handed over the binoculars that Nathaniel Cooper wanted. "Miss Kyle and her family are preparing to board."

Nathaniel took the binoculars and looked at the entrance of Gate 88, the person whom he was most reluctant to part with was standing right there.

He was only a few hundred meters away from Karen Joy, but he seemed to be so far away from her. He could only see her but he couldn't touch her.

Most of the time, Nathaniel wanted to leave everything behind and just persuade her to stay, but his rational mind prevailed.

As much as he wanted her to stay here with him, what was the purpose of that anyway?

So that she could be hurt and harmed every day?

He could not bear for that to happen.

He had to take care of his affairs as soon as possible. When that's done, he could rush to her side and assure her loved ones that he would be able to look after her for the rest of their lives.


He saw her walking behind the crowd, holding her eight-year-old brother's hand tightly. She lowered her head and slowly stepped into the corridor that will lead her into the plane.

The weather in Coast City was still very cold, so she was wearing a white down jacket today. Although her jacket was very thick, she still looked very thin, as if the wind could blow her away.

Along the way, she kept her head down. He couldn't see her expression and didn't know what she was thinking. He could only guess that she was probably unhappy.

Perhaps she was unhappy because Jayden got injured and fell into a coma because of her. Perhaps she was sorrowful because she had to leave Nathaniel, but she didn't tell him.

She probably thought that he didn't know that she was leaving Coast City today, but did she know that he knew everything about her?

In the end, her slender figure stepped into the cabin and disappeared from his view. In an instant, Nathaniel felt his heart twitch with bitterness.

His heart ached, and he felt a strong surge of sadness and guilt.

Soon, Karen Joy's plane began to move, it was slowly getting farther and farther away from him. A few seconds later, the plane flew up into the sky and out of his view.

She left!

She really left!

Originally, he also planned for her to go back to New York first and he could fly over to meet her during the New Year. However, she had now really left him behind and disappeared in front of his eyes, he didn't expect his heart to hurt this much.


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