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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 990

"Brother, you must help me teach Blake a lesson when you get better. You must make him understand that he cannot be spreading groundless news!"

"As the President of Country A, Brother Lionel would have regular health check- ups. Why would he die suddenly? Blake must be bullying me because there's no one around to protect me."

"Brother Lionel told me that he would protect me for the rest of my life. He said that he would come to New York to visit our family during the New Year. He also said that he would marry me when I grow up! He hasn't even married me yet, so how could he abandon me?"

"He made so many promises to me and he is a man of his word. He will never break his promises."

"I've always known that he loves me so much that he wants to give me everything in the world. How can he bear to make me sad?"

Karen Joy kept talking. While it looked like she was talking to Jayden, but in fact, she was talking to herself. She had to think of a way to convince herself that nothing had happened to Nathaniel.

But as she was talking, the wall of defense that she set up suddenly broke down, and tears rolled down from her eyes uncontrollably.

She was scared!

She was so scared that her heart was in a panic.

In the past, she had lost her Brother Lionel once. Did God have to torment it again?

She didn't want it!

There was no way!

"Brother, did you hear me? If you heard me, answer me. If you don't say anything, I will be afraid. Do you know that I am scared of losing you too?"

Karen Joy spoke so much by his bedside, but Jayden was still lying on the bed with his eyes closed, and there was no sign of him waking up at all.

Finally, the volcano of emotions in Karen Joy's chest erupted, "Jayden Elias Kyle! Why don't you answer me? Are you going to continue sleeping for the rest of your life?"

"The doctor said that your health is in good condition, but it's already been such a long time, and you still don't want to wake up. How much do you hate me?"

"If you hate me, then wake up and scold me or hit me. You can do whatever you want after getting up. Do you think you can punish me if you stay asleep like this?"

"Let me tell you, I'm not sad at all. I hope you won't wake up forever. That way, no one would poke their nose into my business anymore."

Jayden got injured because of her and had fallen into a coma, and now, Karen Joy received the news of Brother Lionel's death. She was crumbling internally, and could no longer stay strong.

She needed somewhere to vent the frustration in her heart. Otherwise, she felt that she would explode and go crazy.

"Why? Why are you all so cruel? You all want to see me suffer, don't you?" She roared like a crazy person, "All of you said that you wanted to protect me, but instead, you are bullying me...

"You guys are bullying me!" She cried and held Jayden's hand tightly. "Brother, it was my fault in the past. Stop sleeping! Wake up now, can you? I beg you. Wake up now!"

Jayden still did not answer her. But suddenly, his other hand twitched and his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

However, Karen Joy, who was immersed in her grief, did not notice it.

Jayden didn't open his eyes until Karen Joy was exhausted from her crying. She was sobbing at his bedside pitifully. His lips finally parted and he opened his mouth, then he called out her name softly, "Karen..."

There were two people standing outside the ward, one was a tall man and the other, a petite woman. Of course, they were Kevin Kyle and his wife, Karen Daly.

Hearing Karen Joy crying in the ward, Kevin clenched his fists, but the expression on his face remained indifferent and calm, as if her cries did not affect him at all.


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