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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 998

It was only April, but the temperature in Chatterton Town was increasing rapidly. Pretty women could be seen everywhere on the streets wearing shorts and summer tops, portraying a wonderful scenery to the already beautiful Chatterton Town.

The press release to introduce the new collection of the internationally famous brand, KF Clothing, was held in the scenic Chatterton Town this year.

In recent years, Chatterton Town had been the center of global fashion trends. Many famous designers that were internationally renowned were from Chatterton Town. Hence, it was an obvious choice to hold the press release here.

As soon as the news that KF Corporation decided to have the press release in Chatterton Town was released, many businessmen in Chatterton Town tried to reach out to KF Corporation and tried their best to fight for the opportunity to sponsor the company.

Over the years, KF Corporation had become a representation of quality assurance. Brands that could work with KF reputation were guaranteed to have a good reputation too, in addition to being wealthier. Of course, everyone wanted to kill two birds with one stone and get multiple benefits.

Therefore, the preparation for the launch of the new collection was very smooth, it was held in a good and strategic location, and it was also sponsored by several famous companies.

The date of the press release was today. Early in the morning, Karen Daly arrived at the scene and began to prepare. Of course, there was another person in charge, Faye Reed.

Karen didn't worry too much about the press release, as her main job was to execute the ideas in her mind onto her designs. She was the designer-in-chief.

Faye had experience in marketing and advertising, that was why she was in charge of the press release.

In particular, Faye was outgoing and knew how to communicate with the public and other companies. She made a great contribution in the promotion of KF Corporation.

Since many years ago, Karen was always in charge of all design work, and Faye was in charge of publicity. The two of them worked very well together.

Later on, Karen's design work became more and more famous internationally, therefore, she had the idea of starting a business with Faye.

Other than her family, Faye had always cared about Karen... If she had to compare, Faye might have regarded Karen as someone more important than Sebastian Spencer.

Sebastian argued with Faye over this matter multiple times before.

Later on, he knew that he couldn't change Faye's mind, so he could only accept it.

Karen asked Faye to start a business with her. At that time, Faye agreed immediately without much hesitation. She knew that they had enough funds and experience. Hence, she wasn't afraid of taking this risk with Karen.

Therefore, the two of them founded KF Corporation. The company was named after their initials, K for Karen and F for Faye. They worked hard at building their own brand and appeared to be doing really well now.

"Karen, the press release is about to begin. You're going to be the main star today, so why are you still hiding in the lounge?"

No matter how many years had passed, Faye was still the same, impulsive person. She rushed into the room and spoke loudly to Karen, disregarding what Karen was doing.

"Wait for me for a while." Karen raised her hand and looked at her watch. There was still ten minutes before the press conference. She was pressed for time, but she had to wait.

"Are you waiting for Mr. Kyle?" Apart from Kevin Kyle, Faye couldn't think of another person who Karen would put aside her work for.

Although it seemed that Director Kevin pampered his wife a lot, Faye knew that Karen treated Kevin as important as her own life too.

"Everyone is here, but he isn't here yet. Kevin has always been on time, he has never been late before." Karen looked down from the window, hoping to see Kevin among the crowd. However, as she scanned through the crowd, she couldn't see him.


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