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My Lover is Mr Mafia king novel Chapter 6

We Arrived at the palace...


"Come in Jennifer hurry up just a bit.". Mr. Carl gestured to me. I nodded silently, shaking my head as a reply. I wandered with a stray face.

"Okay, Mr. Carl am I coming?" I paused then I trailed off my words “I am worried now; I feel that fake hair could drop or something or he could notice!!!" I murmured, adjusting my hair clip extensions.

"Try not to stress Miss Jennifer. It looks idealized!! " Mr. Carl smirked. I do look like a clown with a fake horrible wig and he keeps saying it's perfect! for god sake from which side does it look perfect?!

"God!! Perfect!! You mean revolting, bizarre, sickening!! "I laughed hysterically, smirking.

Mr. Carl furrowed his brows and said in a serious tone" That will shield you from him!! "

"God! Protecting me from the womanizer!!! But that is not the main point Mr. Carl, I hate liars, I don't know how to pretend too. so I know that I need a miracle to pass my coming days with him, maybe he will catch me in the sin in a few minutes," I pursed my lips.

Mr. Carl pulled my hand and tightened his grip then ushered to the guards to open the doors. We strolled side by side through the main mansion entryway...

"This is not awe; I'm not impressed at all Mr. Carl!! This house is void, empty, cold!! " I commented once I stepped inside that mansion.

He didn't ask me for my opinion but I just didn't think that it would look so neat and cold like that! maybe others might feel stunned but not me at all.

He turned his head to me but before he could say anything to me, an unknown voice for a man exclaimed, commenting in rage on what I had just said" What purge?! My house is empty and cold??"

Really and how is that a voice from behind inquired?! "These hirelings and furniture and antiques,!!! What's more, you say empty?!!" He scoffed with a grating tone.

I didn't turn my body. I answered with numbness as the individual was inquiring... I was expecting that he is Mr. Tomas ...

"Yes, purge, without life, coldness all around. So sorted out. No lady lives here and that is clear." I replied with ignorance mocking.

He strolled across me... And after that, he turned his body to take a gander at me... Up close and personal. Taking a gander at me from down to up... and then he pushed his fingers to my nose and said arrogantly to me “and who the hell are you to criticize my furniture and my house ?! You are not a baby princess' girl! Look at you!" He raised an eyebrow making fun of how I look harshly.

I already hated the man more! He is too rude and arrogant and so superficial. he just sees the people from the surface and how they look nothing more. At that moment I totally wanted to take off all my clothes to see his facial expressions after finding out how beautiful I was. but I decided to keep my head up and didn't get fooled by his insulting words. the man wasn't stupid after all and maybe he was saying that to show him how pretty I was.

I decided to curb my anger and keep myself ugly as Mr Carl suggested.

I can see his eyes finding my garments. My high heels, shoes, my hair, my long skirt, he was inspecting me.

And after that feigned exacerbation and folded his arms, " Well, Mr. Carl I can think about who she is!!!" He said to Carl enlarging his eyes, looking from one side by one eye...

"Mr. Tomas, she is..."

Mr. Tomas cut off Mr. Carl by indicating by his hand Carl to quit talking...

Also, Mr. Tomas approached me, turning a full round around my body and afterward halted, putting his fingers to his cheeks...

"Indeed, you, the imbecilic young lady, the girl that offended me by your morning article!! Are you dump!! You need to be well known!! You definitely did that for more money!! Take a gander at you!! This is your fantasies!!" Mr. Tomas said harshly in disgusting gazes to me touching my fake wig and thank god he didn't pull it or something.

"Mr... Um. Tomas right?! You employed me to humiliate me?! Or, on the other hand, you require my experience?! "I asked him suppressing my anger but to be honest I wanted to slap the man on his fucking red handsome face.

yeah, he was a prince charming, very good looking, elegant to death. His height and his body was perfectly more than a greek god. but his slutty tongue was something unbearable. I wanted to stab his shameless eyes by anything iron in front of me but I didn't have any intention to be dragged behind the bars for the rest of my life for someone heartless like him look to the poor people and even others from the tip of his nose as if he was the sky and we were sands under his feet.

"huh? Your experience?!" He snickered. "You are nothing,"... Mr. Tomas rubbed his chin and said bluntly to me.

I turned my body... "At that point, I quit Mr. Tomas.". I said simply with much ignorance and I guess that raged his rage and aggressive tone.

"Please, Mr. Carl tore apart that contract,"... I said casually to Mr. Carl.

At that point, I began to leave. strolling in lack of footsteps.

"Hold up, hold up!! Are you distraught!! You can't stop!! You didn't begin the work!! Yet," Mr. Tomas shouted.

"I couldn't care less!! Am not a doll!! Am experienced, I will find another employment. even so, if I didn't find a good job then I would rather work as a maid for another and never work a minute for you. Good fortunes with an apathetic dump doll secretary Mr. Tomas, ". I let him know. Then, I strolled through the entryway without giving him even another glance.

"Carl. Go and get her now!!" Mr. Tomas commanded Mr. Carl.

Really I was strolling gradually, I thought he would do that, this sort of person can't have the capacity to acknowledge dismissal ever. men like Tomas Charl used to fire and hire and kick asses but not be rejected or ignored.

Chapter 6 1


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