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My Lover is Mr Mafia king novel Chapter 7


I tidied up and walked downstairs to find them ... I didn't live with anyone before in my life, so this house is totally unforeseen. living with pariahs is not what I lean toward. Yet rather on any occasion, it's a job paying little heed to the likelihood that I am working for the man I loathe. He will pay me a not too bad pay. I have to deal with that.

I walked around the dining room, they were sitting in their seats, Mr. Carl, and Mr. Tomas Charl. The most disturbing man on earth...

I faked a yellow smile to Mr. Tomas ..."how's everything, sir?"

I walked around to sit by Mr. Carl." how's everything father? I hope I didn't late ?"

Mr. Carl addressed, he patted my head gently "no my sweetheart, you are not late. yeah, you are in time," Mr. Carl said to me and smiled.

I nodded my head, I smiled lightly "Thank you father," I said to Mr. Carl. The echo and taste of the word on my lips was something incredibly comfortable. I wanted to keep repeating that word for millions of times. no one could feel how much it could taste if he didn't suffer from what I lived before. living your whole life without parents is something unbearable.

"Have a seat Jennifer. "Mr. Carl said to me.

"Yes sure," I smiled at Mr. Carl and sat next to him avoiding eye contact with mr devil. at the opposite side of the long table facing Mr. Tomas.

Mr. Tomas shot me with a death glare. And restricted his eyes concentrating on me.

"What father ?" Mr. Tomas asked me. Looking at me by then turning his eyes to look at Mr. Carl.

"What father? I require an answer? What's happening here in the face of my good faith? I'm the CEO here, I need to know everything," ... Mr. Tomas said to us with an outrageous voice.

"You, Jennifer ?" Mr. Tomas yelled my name, narrowing his eyes to me.

"Yes, sir? " I replied innocently.

"I didn't give you my permission to sit close by carl. it's my home. my rules, my money, you are working for me not for him, how frequently I should state it? " Mr. Tomas barked at me.

"What's more, now move your butt and your stupendous hopeless shocking face and come to sit beside me. You are my private assistant for the love of all that is pure and holy .! " Mr. Tomas commanded me.

I huffed, I strolled to the opposite side of the table and pulled my seat and sat alongside my possessive narrow-minded CEO.

I faked tied lips, smiled and sat next to him." are you happy now Mr. Tomas ?" I frowned, asking Mr. Tomas.

"Try not to ask, simply eat and do what I say !" Mr. Tomas said sternly to me. Furthermore, the maids have begun to serve our plates.

"What? Jennifer? Are you going to eat now ?" Tomas leaned his back to the seat and gave me an abnormal look.

I cleared out my spoon, thinking back to him. Made a sound as if to speak.

Chapter 7 1

Chapter 7 2


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