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My Pretty Sweetheart novel Chapter 218

I didn't know what to make of Ian's situation, so I watched him open a bottle of wine and started drinking on his own.

Failing to hold back, I decided to join in for some sips and told him, "Why don't you settle in Ucrebury in the future? Monique and I are here. We can have each other's backs."

What was gone was gone. Only a few people would stay with us for a lifetime.

Ian took a few more swigs, and I could tell he was in a bad mood.

"We'll see what the future brings. I'm really envious of the relationship between you and Monique. Despite losing your family, you both really cared for each other."

What between Monique and me was no longer mere friendship. We only had each other. We were family.

The red wine was quite strong. I stopped drinking after a few sips, and it was before I realized Ian had finished a bottle in a flash. "That's enough! This wine is strong." Worriedly, I warned him.

He was flushed, and he looked tipsy as he reached for another bottle of wine. But he sounded sober. "Don't worry, I won't die! It's not like anyone cares if I die anyway."

He chugged down more wine, his eyes brimming with tears, and he continued, "Humans are ridiculous. They insult and turn their back on you when they don't need you. But when they needed you, they had the audacity to beg for pity. It's crazy!"

I couldn't comprehend what he was mumbling. Not knowing how to respond, I just listened to him quietly.

Monique, however, had woken up. Still leaning on the sofa, she softly asked, "Did the people from Jarold City come to you?"

Her question was apparently directed at Ian. With his eyes half-closed but red, Ian nodded, "They're just a bunch of ruthless people. They forced my mom to death, and now they want me to go back to save that sick old b*stard. Look at the irony of that!"

Lost in their conversation, I mouthed to Monique, "What's going on?"

Getting to recap what had happened, Monique took a sip of water and put her cheeks on her hand, "Ian is the illegitimate son of Gordan Shelley, a wealthy businessman in Jarold City. Five years ago, his mother brought him back to Jarold City, hoping that the Shelley family would accept him, but they refused and drove them out. Based on what he said just now, the Shelley family probably is planning to take him back now."


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