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My Step Sister And I: Pregnant For Me novel Chapter 49

"Are you really the one saying this?" She asked smiling.

I love her when she smiles. she always look more seducing when she smile. Her smiles will make you think she's seducing you. with just her smiles,you Can get hardon.

I have some interviews at the office for my new personal assistant. Vanessa resigned as my personal assistant and left for another company, so I need to eat and get to work. After taking my breakfast I left with my New modern Range Rover spot.

*Tori POV*

I honestly couldn't stand him. His name was Randy. And apparently, according to everyone else I worked with he was this perfect fucking guy. Judging by the stories, when he would walk across the office, light would shine on him and the angels would sing. Everyone fawned over him. The other girls in the office talked about how cute they found him and how lucky his wife was. The guys would say how cool he was and talk about how they had hung out with him that one time. He was treated like a rock star within the office, maybe because he is thr Boss Son.

No, actually it was more like, they treated him like a rock star, crossed with the pope, who was also an Olympic hero.

And of course he was, without a doubt, the most aggressively nice guy around. He was annoyingly nice. He would chat people up, and he knew every little thing about every single person. He would talk to the other salesmen and the bosses one minute, and the secretaries and the janitors the next. He would even talk to those old-timers who had been working under his dad for years. He would schmooze them up in a way that would seem totally false from most others, but not him. I think he actually cared about these people, which is just nuts to me. He was either the most incredibly friendly guy around or an incredible conman. But as time went on he never slipped. His perfect veneer never wavered, even after working here for some months. It seemed like he was actually as perfect as everyone thought he was.

His rise within the company was unprecedented, but his high intelligence, humor, and charisma made him an absolute natural. Even I could admit that. He was very good at his job. The big bosses loved him and he almost became the poster-boy for the company. He was the guy the company sent out for PR events, the young, handsome face of the company, not because his dad is the CEO, but because he's good on his works.

His face was probably on a company billboard somewhere. I'd definitely seen him on the website.

He was a lifer here for sure, and judging by how his life was going, the rest of it was gonna no doubt be very good. He was already set, and it seemed like he barely had to try. His future was very bright.

God, it was so annoying!


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