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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 1430

Doug was Bostin's right-hand man, skilled in martial arts since he was young. Taking on ten opponents was a piece of cake for him.

With a wave, Nash shot three sword forms at Doug, crumbling him like dried leaves.

Doug stopped running abruptly, puzzled. He looked down at the blood gushing out like an arrow.

What... happened? Why was he bleeding from his chest?

With his heart pierced, he could not ponder much. He fell lifelessly to the ground.

Bostin's men were dumbfounded.

"Why did Doug suddenly collapse? Did he trip or something?"

"Screw that, Doug got shot!"

"Shot, my ass! Did you see a gun or hear any gunfire?"

Everyone was at a loss for words.

A bold underling ran to Doug's side to check him out. Finding Doug lying there lifelessly, his face turned pale instantly.

"B-B-Bostin... Doug's dead!"

Bostin's pupils dilated in rage. "Kill them all!"

Over a hundred men were about to surge forward.


Just then, another group of people appeared on the village road.

A convoy stretched as far as the eye could see, with many luxury cars among them.

Xeno led over a thousand well-dressed men.

Their imposing presence made Bostin's gang tremble.



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