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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1000

Henry, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

"I'm waiting for you!"

Henry sprang up from the floor and reached out his hand to the shadow.

Flynn, who still had blood at the corner of his mouth, also sneered and shot out Qi.

Henry and Flynn attacked the shadow from both sides, making it no way to escape.

The shadow screeched. It stared at Henry.

Henery finally got a clear look at the thing. It looked like a black monkey, only more hideous. It had a mouthful of sharp spikey teeth.

Henry also noticed that there was a deep wound on the back of the creature, and the cut was so deep it reached the bone. Hidden under all the furs, the wound was not easy to notice.

Henry didn't turn soft after noticing the wounded. On the contrary, he aimed his attack at it.

The monkey-like creature suddenly changed his target. It turned around and lunged toward

Henry with its mouth open. At the same time, the creature's eyes had turned blooded red.

Just when Henry thought that the creature was going to attack him with all its power, the monkey-like creature turned its body mid-air and rushed out of the room.

The speed of the creature was so fast that even Henry could not see clearly where it went. The creature had disappeared from the room before Flynn could even realize what was happening.

"Don't let it run away!" Henry shouted.

Judging by its speed, the power of this creature should be unimaginable, but it actually fleed without fighting. Henry suspected that it might have something to do with the wound on its back.

All the experiment samples could constantly evolve based on the genes they had digested. It was obvious that the monkey-like creature was hiding in the lab and biding its time. It was waiting for the perfect opportunity to use Flynn as its fuel to recover from the injury. If this creature could scare off the Ba-Serpent, its injury was Henry and Flynn's only opportunity to eliminate it.

When Henry got out of the lounge, he saw the monkey- like creature lying on the floor. Its sharp claws clung to the floor as hard as it could. The creature was trying to crawl out of there. The wound on its back looked very scary.

Henry suddenly laughed out loud. It seemed that his attempt to attack Flynn had cost the last bit of its energy.

Henry walked toward the creature. He was circulating Qi all around his body. Henry didn't want to let his guard down just because the creature looked beaten down.

Standing next to the creature, Henry stepped heavily on its wound.


The monkey-like creature let out a roar like a beast. Suddenly, a shadow of the creature formed, and it attacked Henry.


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