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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 999

Henry saw a spiral staircase in the center of the lounge room at the third level.

"There was an elevator, but the cable is broken. Stairs are our only choice."

"No problems. Let's go," Without hesitation, Henry set out to go up.

Fortunately, there was space inside the center of the spiral. Henry jumped up through there without using the steps.

There was the watchtower on the top of the stairs. It was made out of glass. More than a dozen of screens were in the tower. A couple of them were showing static, which meant that the camera the screen connected to was broken. But the majority of the cameras were still working properly.

In one of the video feeds, Henry saw a large lake. Suddenly, a human-sized bird flew over the lake, causing splashes. Then a three-meter-long fish leaped over the surface of the lake. There was a pair of wings on the body of the fish. Judging by the look of it, this creature should be Luo Fish, whose description was on the screen on the first level of the lab.

The Luo Fish opened up its mouth in mid-air. It swallowed the human-sized bird and dived back into the water.

The surface of the lake then settled down as if nothing had happened. Soon, the water turned red.

The other screen was showing the video feed of a mountain. A chimpanzee was standing in the mountain with its back facing the camera. Suddenly, its head turned around, revealing a human face!

"Henry, according to my observation, this chimpanzee, the fish in that lake, and these three creatures," Flynn pointed at the creatures showing on several monitor screens, "These are the bosses of each section. Other creatures are scared of getting too close to these areas. It seems that they are also scared of each other. So they each guarded their own area without trespassing into the other's."

Henry nodded and walked to the window. Glancing around from the watchtower windows, he finally got an overview of the underground space.

This space was so huge that Henry couldn't see the edge of it. The space had mountains and rivers. It seemed that the tower was located on one end of the area, and there weren't too many creatures around the tower. But Henry could see a couple of extremely huge ones at the place hundreds of meters away.

Henry felt as if he was watching a scene from a fantasy film.

"Henry, why do you have to hurry up here?" Flynn couldn't help but ask.

Henry stared at Flynn and said, "Let me ask you, during the time you are here, there was no monster that has attacked you?"

"No," Flynn shook his head and said, "None of them would come into the lab. There are many at the level below the first floor, but they normally don't move."

"Something is not right," Henry shook his head, "The diary has mentioned that the creatures are hungry for human genes. I bet that some creatures that have better noses will be able to sniff you out. The lab isn't located in the area occupied by those extremely powerful monsters, but how come there haven't been creatures that tried to break in?"

Flynn had never thought of the question until Henry brought it up.

"There's only one possibility!" Henry pointed with his finger and continued, "This area also has an extremely powerful creature, and the creature may be very close to this lab."

Flynn's legs shivered unconsciously, "Henry, you are scaring me. There is a creature that all the other creatures are afraid of? How fearful the creature can be?"

"Think about it. The tunnel was made by Ba-Serpent, but it doesn't dare to come back in. All the other extremely powerful monsters all leave this place alone. I suspect that there is definitely something here that can scare the most fearful monsters outside. It's only that we haven't found out yet!" Henry's look became serious.


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