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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1002

After some preparation, Henry and Flynn left the lab and headed toward the south.

This was the first time in more than a year that Flynn stepped out of the lab. During the past year, he only walked along the tunnel in hopes that he could run into the rescue teams.

Flynn did encounter a couple of human beings, but they were all eaten by the Ba-Serpent.

Except for the tunnel, Flynn knew nothing about this area. His only source for outlooking was the view outside of the watchtower and the surveillance videos.

Henry and Flynn packed several cans of food and bottles of water before leaving. As for the monkey-like creature, Henry had left it behind in the lab.

He did that out of two considerations.

First of all, the genes of the King of the Jungle would attract many creatures. At this moment, no one had attacked it because they didn't know the monkey- like creature was injured. If the other creatures saw how bad the situation the King of the Jungle was in,

they would swarm in to get a bite of the monkey- like creature, it would be a catastrophe if anyone of the creature would evolve from the genes of the King of the Jungle.

Secondly, Henry didn't know whether they could make it out there. If things turned out bad, they would have to return to the lab. The presence of the King of the Jungle would shield the lab from the attacks of the other creatures.

Things in the area looked dark and gloomy. Even trees looked darker than the trees from the real world. With the effects of different minerals, everything took on a strange appearance.

"Henry, this place gives me chills!" Flynn followed Henry, scared.

Henry was a little speechless toward Flynn's reaction, "You are a master of Qi-controlling Realm. The normal monsters here won't be able to harm you, would they?"

Flynn said with a chagrined face, "I don't want to act like this either, but I'm really scared!"

"Let's go. After you have beaten down a couple of them, you won't be scared anymore," Henry patted Flynn on the shoulder and strode forward.

Flynn took a deep breath and tried to cheer up. But he was only able to hold the posture up for a few seconds. Flynn returned to his scared self and followed Henry. He whispered, "Henry, don't go too fast. Wait up!"

The place Henry tried to reach wasn't far away from the lab.

In consideration of accessibility, people would set up the lab at the location closer to the entrance of the area.

On the way, even though Henry and Flynn had been extremely careful, they were still attacked by a few creatures. Those experiment samples were very sensitive to the smell of human bodies, and they were also hungry for human genes.

After killing almost a dozen creatures, Henry realized that the creatures here were much stronger than those of the other connected underground world. He couldn't figure out why.

According to Andrew, the other connected world had been cleaned out by Recluse Association. At this moment, the creatures there were from this area. How come every single creature here was much more powerful than those in the other world? Since they were all from the same lab.

There was only one possibility. Some material in this area could enhance the experiment samples.

Henry and Flynn reached the lake they had seen from the surveillance video. It was the area of the Luo Fish.

Henry couldn't see it clearly in the video. Standing in front of the lake, he just realized that the water in the lake was black.

And it was especially calm. The surface didn't even have a single ripple. The lake looked like a pool of stagnant water.

However, both Henry and Flynn knew what was in the water. They both slowed down when they saw the lake.


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