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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1003

"Thump! Thump! Thump!"

Henry could hear that the thumping noise was getting faster and faster. At the same time, his heartbeat was rising too.

"What the hell is going on!" Henry thought in horror.

"Henry, what's wrong with you?"

Flynn came over with a worried face.

Just as Flynn walked close to Henry, suddenly Qi was around Henry's palms, and his hands were about to attack Flynn.

"Stop it!"

Henry roared and forced himself to lower his hands.

"What's going on?"

"What's got into you?"

Henry panted heavily. His heart beat faster and faster. Henry was especially agitated at this moment. He wanted to punch everything he saw.

"Henry, what are you..." Flynn stood about a meter away from Henry and said in a trembling voice, "Your eyes are turning red..." Henry's pupils suddenly contracted. In a blink of an eye, he dashed in front of Flynn's face.

Flynn wanted to defend himself when he saw Henry rushed toward him with blooded red eyes. But it was too late.

Henry put one hand on the top of Flynn's head and pressed it hard.

Flynn's eyes were filled with terror. Before he could gather his thoughts, the tree beside him exploded, and the explosion started at the level where Flynn's head was.


With a roar, Henry dragged Flynn and ran toward the direction they came from.

Flynn just realized that Henry saved his life by pressing his head down. Otherwise, what exploded would be his head.

Flynn didn't have the luxurious time to express his appreciation. He circulated Qi around his feet and ran with Henry.

While escaping, Flynn looked back to see what attacked him. What he saw made him gasp.

The thing looked like a giraffe. Flynn had seen this creature feeding on tree leaves a couple of times on the surveillance video. It looked like any ordinary giraffe, but observing from a close distance, the creature was no less ferocious than any of the monsters here. It had a mouthful of sharp spikey teeth, like those in the month of the King of the jungle. In its month, there was a red long tongue like which of a frog's, only longer and thicker. The tongue was covered with backward- facing spines. The spines looked so harsh that they could strip the flesh off of anything they touched.

While Flynn was staring at the creature, it attacked Flynn again. The monster rolled out its tongue targeting Flynn, like how a frog catches its prey.

The tongue pierced through several big tree trunks, but nothing slowed it down.

Flynn was frightened by what he saw, and he sped up.


Flynn heard the noise near him. At the same time, a foul- smelling blooded open mouth rushed toward Flynn.

Flynn screamed out of fear. All of his power suddenly came to him, and he barely escaped from the attack.

With the sound of fabric tearing, Flynn felt a chill on his back. The mouth ripped the back off Flynn's shirt.

The creature that attacked Flynn was a huge hippo-like creature.

Flynn saw that creature’s eyes were also blooded red.

"Don't stay, run!"


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