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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1043

Seeing that, he shook his head and said, "This kid really lets his emotions take over his actions."

Henry leisurely placed his hands behind his head and walked to the side, his eyes wandering.

"They had organised such a huge gathering. Couldn't they put up some stalls or something to make things a little livelier? Seriously." Henry curled his lips while he mocked the city.

In the Holy City, the seven forces, and powerful members of the Recluse Association that came from all over the world gathered. This time, Henry had finally witnessed the real background of the Recluse Association. There were too many Qi-concentrating Realm masters that he lost count. Within the Holy City, there were also a few auras that made Henry's heart palpitate.

Henry stood in front of the prestigious church in the Holy City and looked at it. The church covered an area of 23,000 square meters. In the eyes of believers, it was a place full of holiness and brilliance, but at that moment, it made Henry feel extremely depressed, so much so that it caused Henry to gasp a little for air.

"D*mn it, looks like it'll be better for me to visit places like this less." Henry turned his head and staggered over to another spot.

The number of people who came to the Holy City increased as time went by, Henry could clearly feel that the crowds in the streets were getting more concentrated, and every one of them had an excited expression across their faces.

To those bishops, this selection was heavily related to their lives in the future, but to those who had nothing to do with the selection or the results of it, it felt like nothing more than a party.

Even when night had fallen, crowds were still to be seen. How events were held at night there was completely different to that of Yan Xia.

In Yan Xia, the streets of areas that attracted large crowds were filled with food stalls. One could tell if an area was popular simply by observing the amount of people drinking at the stalls.

However, in this city, people were seen doing things of sorts, including street performances, bragging, gathering in the pub, some were even conducting sacrificial ceremonies, the only thing that was lacking were the barbecue stalls by the street, which made Henry feel like the atmosphere was lacking.

"Buddy, a glass of rum please." Henry sat at the bar of a small tavern and waved his hand.

The bartender skilfully handed a glass of rum to Henry.

Henry picked up the glass and shook it a little, then took a sip.

"Kinda sweet, aromatic too, not bad." Henry commended.

A figure took a seat next to Henry and too, ordered a glass of rum.

"So? What have you obtained today?" Henry picked up his glass and took another sip out of it.

"I've picked up quite a lot of news." The person who sat next to Henry turned out to be Flynn. "Now the entire city has been divided into seven forces. Besides the Asian Continent, the disciples of the other six archbishops have recruited a good amount of men and are ready to give their all in tomorrow's selection."

Henry licked at the residue of alcohol left on his lower lip and continued, "What about the rules of the selection?"

"There are currently three versions that are circulating around the city. The most credible version is that the bishop's successors will lead their followers to battle, the maximum number of followers they are allowed to have is 10 men. The second version is that the bishop's successors engage in battle without any followers, this set of rules had once been used, but back then it was the archbishops who battled it out, the battle turned out to be horribly fearsome, plus they weren't exactly all battling on equal grounds, so the chances of this happening again are pretty low. The third version is that there would be three events, and would also be point-based, the first event would be one-on-one combat, the second would be a battle royale, and the third would be against experimental bodies. These have been more commonly seen in the past," Flynn replied.

Henry nodded and said, "Looks like what we both have heard of is basically the same, but, I have one question."


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