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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1044

"Brother, why are we here?" Flynn could not help but ask.

"Check out who that is." Henry stretched out his hand and pointed to a young man, who had about six men following him as he swaggered in the ghost market, as if he was a king on patrol.

Flynn frowned. "Tucker? That's Dalton Croy's follower."

"Correct." Henry said, "According to the information I've collected, Tucker has been given the role of Dalton's follower for the selection tomorrow. Dalton focuses on quality over quantity, plus he is very wary of others. Although the rules stated no more than 10 followers are allowed, Dalton only had six in total, and he was very confident with the strength of those six followers. It was true that his followers were more powerful than the followers of other contenders, but he could never afford to lose a single one of them."

Flynn's eyes sparkled, and he said, "I get it now, brother. You intend to cripple Tucker in advance so that he can't participate in the selection tomorrow?"

Henry snapped his fingers and said, "You are only half right. Follow me."

Tucker and his men swaggered around the ghost market, picking up something to have a look and kicking something else aside every once in a while. Many stall owners were very unhappy with his behaviour, but no one dared to show it. After all, the power Tucker possessed was clear as day.

In addition, many knew that Tucker had been chosen to be Dalton's follower, and Dalton was the disciple of Hebor. Once the selection ended, Dalton would become the next bishop. Tucker's status would naturally rise as well, If they offended him now, they would find themselves in deep water when he came to them for paybacks.

Henry and Flynn trailed behind Tucker. He was obviously in a good mood and had drank a good amount of alcohol.

"Hey, sweetie, come over and chat a bit with me." Tucker said as he faced a pretty goldenhaired lass, as he daringly reached to grab her with both hands.

The pretty lady dodged away from Tucker's hands. She wanted to show her anger, but she did not dare to do so.

"F*ck you for trying to lay a hand on my sister!" Henry, who had been tailing Tucker, roared at the sight of the situation. He sprinted forward and punched Tucker right in the head.

Flynn, who was following behind Henry, was stunned. "What's going on?" He thought.

The golden-haired lass stood unmoving with surprise. She did not remember having an elder brother like him.

Henry's punch was neither too light nor too heavy. It was just enough to make Tucker's head throb with pain without sustaining any serious injuries.

The arrogant Tucker could not stand such humiliation. He took a look at Henry and yelled, "F*ck him up!"

The few men who followed behind Tucker rushed at Henry immediately.

Henry turned to run away, not saying anything more.

"Get him!" Tucker roared, then took the lead to chase after him.

By the time Flynn came to his realisations, Henry and Tucker as well as his men had already disappeared from his sight.

Flynn suddenly understood Henry's intentions. There were too many people around them, it was clear that it was not a good place to take out Tucker. He intended to first lead Tucker to an empty spot.

Flynn simply remained at his spot. About ten minutes later, he saw Henry return with a relaxed look on his face.

"Let's go. I've got it settled. Now let's continue on to the next step." Henry dusted off his hands, then pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to Flynn.

When Flynn saw it, a weirded out expression showed on his face. "A skin mask?"


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