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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1158

In the evening, the endless sea became much calmer.

The moon hung high in the sky, half of it was covered by dark clouds.

A ship sailed along leisurely in the high seas. Night had already fallen, but no lights shone from the cruise ship. It all seemed terribly silent.

On the deck of the ship, Henry, still dressed in the chef's uniform, sat there crossed- legged quietly with his eyes slightly closed and his breathing slow.

Not far from his ship, another ship floated quietly on the surface of the sea. Similarly, it was not lit, and it was just as silent.

Time seemed to have frozen at that moment. The only thing that still moved was the dark cloud that was blocking off half of the moon's glow.

A strong gust of wind blew, the dark clouds gradually blocked out the moonlight entirely, and the surface of the sea raged with waves. The waves raged on more and more frequently, and eventually turned into spindrift. The ship began to sway in the waves.

A whirlpool formed gradually in the sea between the two ships, causing the sea around it to suddenly become violent. Amidst the darkness, a white arm pale as death suddenly emerged from the centre of the whirlpool and wet figure slowly emerged shortly afterward. The figure inhaled deeply and looked at the sky.

The whirlpool gradually disappeared after the emergence of this figure. The figure just stood quietly on the surface of the sea, not moving or making any sound.

A cry suddenly sounded in the sky. A huge bird that had a wingspan of two meters flew over. Through careful observation, a silhouette of a man could be seen on the back of the bird. The huge bird hovered in the air after arriving at the scene.

"So he chose a location like this, from the looks of it, this Justus' inheritor seems to be quite confident." A voice sounded from within the darkness.

"Being the water snake that you are, this can be regarded as your home ground." the figure standing on the sea suddenly spoke while looking at the ship opposite Henry.

Out of nowhere, another figure appeared on the mast of the ship. He stood atop the mast and said, "Obviously the ocean is still best for you, you old squid. Is everyone here?"

"A few aren't." the man that had been addressed as an old squid had a face pale as death, just like skin that had been soaked in water for a long hours. It looked swollen and pale without the faintest hue of pink on it. "They should be here soon."

"Where's the person that kid called for?" The water snake on the mast looked at the ship Henry was on. "This matter must never be exposed to the public, lest people say that the Alvin League is bullying a child."


A flash of lightning suddenly flashed across the calm night sky.

"Hahaha!" A roar of laughter sounded in unison with the lightning. A silhouette could be seen coming from the horizon under the flashing lights of lightning. "Young ones of the Alvin League, your words are interesting indeed. Bullying a child? Back in the day when I attacked the Alvin League, you were still curled up in your mother's wombs. Hahaha!"


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