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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1159

Prabhat Dongfang, who was floating in the air, roared, "Deadwood!"

This roar caused another flash of lightning to light up the night sky.

Elyot looked to the skies and said, "It seems that Old Fellow Dongfang's Qi-cultivation is the most powerful among us, seeing that he is now capable of commandeering the natural phenomenons of heaven and earth."

Prabhat Dongfang looked at Deadwood from above." 34 years ago, in order to practice evil your evil ways, you slaughtered a village of 67 families, butchering a total of 283 people. You killed even the chickens and dogs. The sins you've committed shall not be forgiven even if you were to be tortured for the rest of your life!"

"Haha." Deadwood cackled. It sounded incredibly unpleasant. "My old friends, you all are still using this so-called morality to denounce me. We Qi-cultivators resist the heavens, and battle ourselves. All that falls below the Qi-controlling realm are nonentities. What's wrong with crushing some insects in exchange for power- ups? Few natural treasures exist in this world, but there is an abundance of humans, so much so I can't kill them all, and neither can I use them all up." "Rubbish!" Prabhat Dongfang roared once more.

"I actually agree with your point." the giant ape said.

"What a thing to say. An abundance of humans, so much so that you can't kill them all or use them all up." Henry, who had been sitting cross-legged on the deck, suddenly opened his eyes. He slowly got up, walked to the bow of the ship, and looked at the ship opposite his. "Hey cheetah, have all your men arrived?"

As soon as Henry said those words, the foxy woman that had been standing next to the giant ape disappeared in an instant.

Strong winds suddenly blew violently across the surface of the sea. The dark clouds surged across the skies, blocking out the moonlight with another layer of clouds, causing the world to turn duskier.

A figure pale as death dived into the water, creating a monstrous wave to surge towards Henry's ship.

In the air, Prabhat Dongfang unsheathed his sword. Another crash of thunder erupted.

A shadowy figure appeared behind the giant ape and a cold light gleamed as it slashed at the back of his neck. From this moment on, the battle began!

There were no one else on the high seas. All the great fighters were free to exchange blows however they liked with no restrictions whatsoever.

Prabhat Dongfang's sword commanded thunder and lightning, that was the nature of his Qi.

The giant ape roared ferociously. Its towering physique had grown by another 30 centimeters, making it look like a giant in the sea. The cold gleam that had slashed at the back of his neck had not even managed to cut through his skin.

The one who let out that cold gleam hid in the darkness. This was an expert who was proficient in the Shadow Slaughter technique and was not one to fight recklessly. Although he did not make another move, his existence was enough to serve as a deterrence.

The patriarchs of the Qin and Xue Family leapt into the air in unison. At that exact moment, Old Deadwood waved the walking cane in his hand, shooting a ray of light that was then dodged by the Patriarch of the Qin Family. As the ray of light hit the water, several fish surfaced with their bellies upturned. Having merged with the Poison Toad's genes, each move of Old Deadwood was combined with a deadly poison.

The cheetah man and others at the late stage of the Qi- concentrating Realm did not dare to be careless in the face of such a battle. They transformed into their most powerful forms, in order to unleash their powers at full capacity.

"Hahaha, we from the Alvin League have finally gotten the opportunity to fight against all these elite experts. What an honour this is for us of the Alvin League!" A loud laughter sounded, and a shark's fin emerged on the surface of the sea. A man seemed to be standing on the surface of the sea. His legs were still and unmoving, yet he was headed at their direction with extreme speed.

"Shark!" Cleve yelled. His red robe fluttered violently as he charged towards the incoming threat.

This was a great battle!

It was the greatest battle in the world since the era of saddharma-vipralopa. Although the number of people involved was not great, every one of them were of the few elite experts in the world!

In such a fierce battle, Henry was like a tiny raft. He was the weakest among them all, but he was also the most excited.

Looking at the cheetah man that charged towards him, Henry licked his lips and a long purple blade was condensed in his hand.


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