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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 117

"Daisy, brother-in-law is so handsome!" Amy put her hands on her chest and looked at Henry's figure with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Yes, he's very handsome." Lam also nodded. Henry did have an indescribable charm when he scolded the others.

Ron was a little embarrassed by Henry's words. Now that he heard the two beauties who looked at each other said that Henry was handsome, he couldn't bear it anymore.

"What a joke!" Ron laughed. "Who are you? A student in the medical department? Or a doctor?"

Henry shook his head. "Neither."

"Haha!" Ron sneered. "Then what qualifications do you have to order me around? Who do you think you are? Let me tell you, the patient is sick, and the one who is treating him is us, doctors! I can treat him in whatever way I want. It's not your turn to talk nonsense!"

"Who? I thought he was a famous doctor. He came to question Doctor Zhao's disciple, but in the end, he was wrong. Could you please go away?"

"Are you crazy?"

The students who had just been criticized by Henry were also in a bad mood, and they spoke out one after another.

Henry glanced at these people and felt cold in his heart. He shook his head helplessly. "Forget it. It's hard to get along well with you. With your attitude, you don't deserve to be a doctor in the future, and you won't even admit such an obvious mistake! You can read the textbook and see what the consequence of excessive stimulation of acupuncture points will lead to!"

Ron stiffened his neck. "A textbook? What's wrong with the textbook? You didn't come here to teach me after reading two pages of the textbook of traditional Chinese medicine, did you? Do you know why we came to the University of Yinzhou from thousands of miles away today? I'm not afraid to tell you. There is a miracle doctor here today. All professor-level doctors come here for this lesson. My master and that miracle doctor have known each other for a long time. The miracle doctor once said that medicine needs to be bold, and it needs to be improved! A doctor like you, what do you know?"

As soon as Ron finished his words, the applause and applause suddenly came from beside him.

"Good! You need to be bold, brand new, breakthrough. Do you hear me? Ron's master is an old acquaintance of that miracle-working doctor. If you question Ron, aren't you questioning Doctor Zhao and that miracle-working doctor?"

"Get out of here. Don't make a fool of yourself here, or you'll disturb us from studying."

"Get lost!"

Voices rang out from the students' mouths one after another.

Daisy and the other two women watched anxiously. "Don't say anymore, my brother-in-law..."

"It's okay." Henry reached out his hand and stopped Daisy's words. "Let them talk. There are some people who can't make sense. Daisy, the older you are, the more people and things you will see. You will understand what the ancients said."

"Which one?"

"The forest is big, and there are birds everywhere." Henry laughed. He didn't stay here with these students, but walked aside.

Daisy and the other two girls didn't stay here anymore. They followed Henry at a quick pace.

Ron looked at the three women leaving because of Henry. The eyes that looked at Henry were full of resentment.


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