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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 118

"Just talking about your brother-in-law! Didn't he just talk big? If you have the ability, you can ask him to do the right thing!" Ron's friend crossed his arms in front of his chest and said with a smug look, "He's such a good-for-nothing. He only knows how to pretend. What the hell is he?"

Wade, who was sitting there, stood up immediately and directly shouted at Ron's friend, regardless of the number of people on the scene, "Who the hell are you? Who are you talking about?"

This time, Wade made a lot of noise and attracted many people's attention. The medical experts from other provinces all frowned. One of the older doctors even stood up and strode over there, asking in a loud voice, "What's the matter?"

"Master." Ron stood up in a hurry. The doctor who came to ask him was the well-known doctor Rick Zhao in Su Province.

Rick nodded and said, "There are so many seniors here. It's impolite for you juniors to make a fuss here!"

"Master, it's not my fault," Ron explained in a hurry. "Just now, I was discussing some academic things with everyone. As a result, a person came. He was neither a doctor nor a medical department. He began to say that what I said was nothing and began to scold me."

"Yes, yes, yes." The man next to Ron also quickly got up and said, "Dr. Zhao, that person not only said bad things about Ron but also about you."

"He was talking about me?" Doctor Zhao frowned, and his face looked a little angry.

Ron smiled awkwardly. In fact, Henry did not say anything about Doctor Zhao just now. It was just that Ron had brought Doctor Zhao in when he was bragging, while Henry was reprimanding Doctor Zhao about the so-called method that was studied by Doctor Zhao with Ron. When others heard it, they thought he was also scolding Doctor Zhao.

"Doctor Zhao, that man is friends with those in front. We just said a few words, and they stood up and shouted." Ron's friend pointed to Daisy and others.

Doctor Zhao looked at Daisy and others with dissatisfaction. As a doctor with a reputation in Su Province, it was a shame for him to be publicly reprimanded by some younger generations.

"Little girl, where is your friend? Can you let him come out to confront me? What on earth did I, Rick Zhao, do to offend him and make him talk bad things about me in front of so many people?"

"Sorry." Daisy shook her head. "Doctor Zhao, my brother-in-law is not here."

"Of course he is not here!" Ron said. "He is neither a doctor nor a student. How can he stay here? People like him can only show off on the surface."

"Yes." The man next to Ron nodded. "You guys, because such a person shouted in front of so many seniors, I'm afraid you are just like him. Let me see that you'd better leave here. This lesson is not for your students."

The faces of Daisy and the others turned pale. They really didn't expect that Doctor Zhao would come out and stand up for Ron. Moreover, according to Doctor Zhao's words, they didn't intend to let this matter go so easily.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to leave yet? Do you want me to drive you away?" The man beside Ron crossed his arms over his chest. He was also a doctor's disciple.

In their hearts, the reason why they came with their teacher was that they were invited here. And the students of the University of Yinzhou were a group of bumpkins. They were lucky enough to attend a class after admiring these doctors for a long time. They were extremely grateful, they would not say anything nor shout.

Daisy and the others looked at each other.

"Apologize or go out." Ron's friend said again.

"What the hell are you talking about? I don't listen to you anymore. You bastard!" Wade cursed loudly. He was not a good-tempered man.

"Haha, he's indeed not a good person."

Dr. Zhao stood there and didn't say anything, just looking at Daisy and others.


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