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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 135

Henry looked at Sylvia's serious appearance and felt a little funny. This woman was not usually as nervous as she was now, even when she was dealing with businesses worth millions.

"All right, all right, I'll keep it in mind." Henry made an OK gesture.

"Also, the brushes are divided into many kinds, such as flat, rounded, and fan-shaped. What are these for? You should check on the Internet quickly and find out the most basic things. There are two oil paintings in the room. You just add some base to the Sunrise. You can take the brush to paint casually and move a little bit gently and slowly, and then it will be fine. Do you understand? Try to finish it and then we will go to eat. Then this matter will be over."

"Don't worry, don't worry." Henry raised his arm and put it on Sylvia's shoulders. "When did I let you down?"

"Huh?" Sylvia thought about it. It seemed that he really did not make any mistakes when dealing with things.

When Sylvia was about to say something, she saw Mark coming out of the study.

“Mr. Zhang, Sunrise in your room can be said to have completely reconstructed Master Ferger’s original work. Do you also like his work?”

"Yes." Henry nodded and said, "I met Sylvia at Master Ferger's exhibition. His work brought me so much happiness."

"Mr. Zhang, you are such a romantic person." Mark's eyes wandered between Henry and Sylvia, with a complicated look in his eyes. "I don't know what Mr. Zhang is researching recently. I see that Mr. Zhang has prepared a lot of Chinese art paper. Are you planning to learn traditional Chinese painting?"

"Well, I do have some ideas." Henry nodded. "But traditional Chinese painting is too sophisticated. It's hard to achieve anything in a short time. This time, Mr. Fong, I hope you can give me some advice."

"Haha, Mr. Zhang, you flatter me. Looking at your Sunrise, it is easy to see that your painting skills are not inferior to mine. There is no need to give advice. If you have time, we can go to drink tea at the tea house together."

As soon as they heard the tea house, Sylvia and Milan's faces changed at the same time. Sylvia gave Henry a look repeatedly, indicating that he should not agree.

"Of course, we can do it anytime," Henry replied with a smile.

"Better to do it sooner than later. Now it's lunchtime. There should be a lot of people in the tea house. Let's go now."

They went out of the apartment one after another and got in their own cars. Sylvia drove her Mercedes-Benz and Henry was with her.

"Why did you agree to drink tea?" Sylvia, who was driving, looked very unhappy.

"Didn't you say that we should go to have a meal as soon as possible? "He brought it up, I agreed," Henry replied.

"You! Hey!" Sylvia took a look at Henry and sighed heavily. She shook her head and said, "It's not your fault. Tea house as a term, people don't go there only to have a meal."


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