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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 136

Sylvia glanced at the business card on the table.

Wanhe Art Gallery.

Sylvia was somewhat impressed. It seemed that this was the largest art gallery in the entire Yinzhou. She had paid attention to it twice. But Lins Group didn't do this kind of business, so she didn't have any intersection with it.

When Richard heard what the people on his table said, he waved his hand. "Boss Wu, what are you talking about? No matter how big the gallery is, it is not as good as having one masterpiece. Beautiful ladies, are you here today to collect the paintings or to validate them?"

Richard narrowed his eyes and kept glancing at Sylvia and the other two girls. These three beautiful women had totally different styles, which made him look at them in a daze.

"We are just having a meal and chatting with a friend." Henry interrupted Richard.

"This isn't a place where you just come to eat," Richard said with a smile. "I wonder which of you are qualified to sit here?"

When Richard asked about them, in fact, he only asked Henry and Mark.

Now everyone in the tea house could see that Richard's mind was on the three beautiful women.

Mark threw out a business card and asked, "So? Do you think we're qualified?"

"A senior member of the Chinese Painting Association, the president of Yanjing Modern Painting Exhibition?" Richard picked up this business card and looked at the title on it with a disdainful smile. "I thought you were a big name who drank tea and talked cheerfully."

"A senior member of the association and the president of Modern Painting Exhibition means nothing." A middle-aged man sitting at the same table as Richard said.

Henry raised his eyebrows. He knew that he couldn't have a good meal today.

Mark's face was a bit unsightly. No one would be happy to be so openly mocked by others. He looked at the middle-aged man who had just spoken and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm nobody." The middle-aged man picked up a cup of tea and said with a smile, "I'm Bai Yu, honorary member of the Chinese Painting Association and the vice president of the Suhang Traditional Chinese Painting Association."

The title that the middle-aged man had mentioned caused Mark's face to freeze.

The honorary members of the association and senior members were totally different.

Senior members needed to submit their applications themselves to enter the association, and they could apply to become senior members when their painting skills reached a certain level.

As for honorary members, they didn't need to submit anything. Instead, they were invited by the Association to become honorary members.

There was a huge difference between them.

The other title of vice president of the association of Suhang was even more valuable.

As was known to all, Suhang, the south of the Yangtze River, was the most poetic place in China. Suhang was popular in ancient times, and it was also the place with the most prosperous culture in China. It could be said that as the vice president of the Suhang Traditional Painting Association, he was quite well-established.

"Bai Yu?" Henry was a little confused. He looked up and saw several landscape paintings on the wall of the restaurant, all had name Bai on them.

Seeing the change in Marks expression, Bai nodded with satisfaction. In this restaurant, whenever he mentioned his identity, people would be extremely surprised. Yu Bai enjoyed this kind of feeling very much.

Bai stood up and said, "Young man, there is a rule when you come here. There is a limit to the number of seats. Many professionals drive here every day. Because there are no seats, they return in low spirits. You came here and talked about family affairs. I'm afraid it's not appropriate."


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