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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 137

Bai was confident in his words, but in fact, he couldn't tell whether the Black Shrimp was real or not. The reason why he was so confident was that Richard just told him that the painting was real and was a treasure of the owner of the restaurant.

"Really? How can you prove it?" Mark didn't believe it. He had seen the authentic painting in the building of the Southern Province.

"Of course I have a way to prove it." Bai put his hands behind his back. "It's just meaningless that you and I compete with each other. Why don't we raise some stakes?"

Mark asked, "What's the wager?"

"This has nothing to do with you." Bai shook his head, and then his eyes fell on Sylvia and her two girlfriends. "Three beautiful ladies, how about if your friend loses, you three beautiful girls will have a meal with us?"

As soon as the white-haired man finished his sentence, Milan immediately agreed. "Well, what if you lose?"

"I lost? How could I lose?" Bai's face was filled with confidence.

Milan snickered “Since there’s a wager, then both sides have to take it out. If you lose, what will you do?”

"If we lose, we will do whatever you say." Richard stood in front of Bai and said, " If you beautiful women want a BMW or a Mercedes, it won't not a problem. I will give you anything you want."

"Okay," Milan said, raising his neck. "Boss Wan, that's what you said. If we win, you'll have to give everything we want."

"Of course," Richard said in a heroic manner, deliberately revealing the watch worth 20,000 yuan on his wrist.

"Okay, since the wager has been decided, kid, you should listen carefully." Bai smiled. "Master Qi was good at drawing shrimp, and he likes drawing shrimp. Everyone knows that this painting was painted on Chinese traditional paper. Because of ancient times, the color of the paper is yellow. And you should pay attention to that Master Qi had a habit when he was painting. This habit is something that many people cannot learn from the copy of Master Qi's works- the front view of objects. Look at this painting, the upper parts of the shrimp are all displayed in the front with no interruptions in strokes. In the case of copying, even the most experienced painter would not be able to do this. Until now, no artist could completely imitate Master Qi's technique."

When Bai finished his words, he saw that Mark was silent. So he continued, "Master Qi's painting has two extremes, which are craftsmanship and simplicity. These two extremes were perfectly integrated by Master Qi and are helpful for each painting. When drawing shrimp, Master Qi only needed to use a few strokes to show the brilliance of a shrimp. Every stroke and every depth of the ink is extremely precise. You can carefully observe that there are no rough strokes on the painting, only one stroke, without any breaking. Ask the contemporary instructors, who can do this? If there was such a man, he would be well-known all around China."

Bai's words stunned everyone in the restaurant. After a while, someone cheered and applauded, "Great! It's really Master Bai. He's really great. If he hadn't told us so many details, we wouldn't know all this."

"Yes, it turns out to be true. There are so many other theories. It's the first time I've seen this."

"Awesome, he's really awesome!"

Hearing the crowd's flattering, Milan’s face changed. “If you said it’s real, then it’s real? Today, I insist that this painting isn’t real. Do you have any proof?”

"Proof?" Richard smiled and shouted to the owner of the restaurant, "Boss Li, would you like to tell us if this painting is authentic?"

"Master Yu, you are indeed very perceptive. This painting is authentic." The restaurant owner took out a certificate. This Black Shrimp was a work from the Qing Dynasty! There is a seal on the certificate, so it couldn't be fake.

As soon as this certificate was taken out, the pride on the faces of Bai and Richard became more obvious.

Milan’s face, on the other hand, was extremely unsightly.

Mark looked at the painting on the wall and muttered, "Something's wrong, something's wrong. Something must be wrong!"


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