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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1626

Takoda told Gardiner what had happened on the plane, with his own adaptation. He said that Henry urged the plane to take off while Takoda was preparing provisions for the war. Takoda then accused Henry to consider his own need was more important than the need of the armies.

Gardiner could tell the problem was just that Henry hurt Takoda's ego. He smiled and asked, "I heard you. So how do you want this to settle? Or how the Ding Clan wants this to settle?"

Takoda said, "Commander in Chief, I want this to settle between us, and I don't think it's necessary for you to get involved."

Takoda noticed that Gardiner and Henry were friends. He was afraid that Gardiner might be biased.

"I don't get involved?" Gardiner frowned, glancing over to Henry. He then said to Takoda, "I'm afraid it's not appropriate for me not to get involved in this matter."

What Gardiner was afraid of was that Henry killed every single one of the Ding Clan after they pushed Henry too far.

Gardiner hadn't known how powerful Henry was at this moment. The last time he saw Henry in battle, Henry was still a Supremacy Master. But with Raniero standing behind Henry, they would no doubt be the most formidable group on the planet earth.

Takoda said, "Commander in Chief, you can rest assured. The Ding Clan is reasonable. We won't cause unnecessary trouble."

Gardiner thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll take your words for now."

If the Ding Clan wouldn't do anything unreasonable, Gardiner knew that Henry would restrain himself.

Getting Gardiner's approval, Takoda smiled coldly. He glared at Henry and turned to leave.

"Henry, why don't you have to cause trouble wherever you go?" Gardiner smiled at Henry.

"You call this a trouble?" Henry asked.

Gardiner was surprised by the question. He nodded and said, "You're right. It's nothing. Most of the members of the Ding Clan are good people. There are only a few of them who like to cause trouble. You know, the young kids, ignorant and arrogant."

Henry rubbed his nose and said, "If I care about them, I wouldn't be able to live this long."

"Let's go. Business first." Gardiner grabbed Henry

by the shoulder. They walked toward the command hub of Section Nine.

Ten minutes later, Gardiner sat by his desk, still listening to Henry. He was frowning and chainsmoking. His astray was full of cigarette butts.

Sylvia also had a gloomy face. What Henry was saying was too much a surprise to both of them. None of them could imagine that the Orcs had rampaged the earth's core, and the people they were fighting were not invading. They were escaping.

"What do you want to do?" Gardiner blew a puff of smoke and looked at Henry. "Or, what do you need us to do?"

"Ceasefire," Henry said. "We need to stop this war right now. I need to talk to whoever is leading the army of the earth's core. They are not in an organized situation, and all they want is a safe place to stay. If we continue this meaningless fight, when the Orcs come, the earth's surface will suffer the most."

Gardiner thought for a while and shook his head. "Because we are dealing with a new civilization, there is too much attention putting in this war. Certain governments can't wait to exploit the earth's core. To ask them to cease fire is nearly impossible. I can't just make a decision like there is only Van Xia involved."

Henry then said, "You go to negotiate. I'll give you two hours. After two hours, I'll kill those who refuse ceasefire."


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