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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1627

Henry was an absolute genius in martial arts. He knew all the techniques and had numerous field experiences. He was too much a formidable foe for anyone.

Not to mention the techniques he knew, his field experiences only would make him undefeatable.

Even with the advantage of number, the young people of the Ding Clan were still no match for Henry.

Henry used one move per person. His moves were precise and aggressive. Even Henry's counterattack could strike the attacker hard. With the young members of the Ding Clan surrounding Henry, it looked like Henry just made a continuous movement, and all of the young people were on the ground. The whole battle took less than a minute.

From arrogant bullies to losers crawling on the ground, it only took less than a minute. When the fight was over, there was something scary appeared in Henry's eyes.

Henry stood alone, ignoring the people on the ground. He checked the time again, waiting for the other Ding Clan members to come.

With the status of the Ding Clan, every member of the clan was treated like a celebrity. So they would be recognized in public.

As a result, the fight attracted a lot of attention. The Ding Clan was an irreplaceable force on the battlefield, and they were also supported by the government. People were surprised someone had the audacity to beat up the Ding Clan people. They also noticed Henry. The young man just defeated eleven well-trained fighters of the Ding Clan. Judging by how powerful the fighters of the Ding Clan were, Henry's capacity was unimaginable.

The Ding Clan's command hub was located near the frontline.

The commander of the Ding Clan was their family master, Seadya Ding.

Seadya was an ordinary businessman. He had started passing down his power to the younger generation. If it were for the war, he would have retired, enjoying his remaining time after a lifetime of hard work. With the wealth of the Ding Clan, his retired life would only be leisure.

But as soon as the Antarctica war broke out, he immediately sent over a huge amount of provisions. And when he learned that hot weapons were useless on the battlefield, Seadya took the Ding Clan to the war. Such an act set the Ding

Clan aside from all the other families. What also took the public by surprise was what good fighters all the Dings were. Within a short period of time, the Ding Clan had established prestige from the war and gained the government's support.

At this moment, Seadya was making the strategies with his clan members in their command hub.

The phone rang. Seadya frown but didn't answer.

A family member went to answer the phone. The person's face suddenly dropped. He reported to Seadya, "Takoda and a bunch of our kids were disabled.

Everyone stood up in astonishment.


"They are disabled?"

"Who did it?"

"We are fighting the same enemy. Why the friend armies would go about and disable our kids?"


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