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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1990

Henry carefully tied the magical feather that the Great Priest had given to him to a cleanly polished and giant deer bone, turning it into a feather staff.

During the day, he would carry the feather staff diagonally on his back.

In the evening, he would plant the feather staff into the snow in front of the birch house.

All of the fierce beasts would retreat in fear as soon as they saw the feather on the cane, not daring to get any closer.

Henry and his son were finally able to settle down in comfort. They feasted on venison and milk every day, having a pretty good time.

However, Henry had already been preparing to leave the birch forest a long while back.

He had not only stocked up on a lot of venison jerky, but had also begun building a sled.

At the bottom of the sled, there were many smooth ribs of the giant deer, which were slightly inclined upwards, allowing the sled to slide about in the snow.

The sled was built with the hard leg bones of the giant deer, which were much stronger than wood.

Henry blanketed the sled with tough pieces of birch bark... It took him a whole month to make the sled with the stone tools in his possession.

Although the sleigh was not very big, it was more than enough for Henry and his son.

Henry used the tendons of the deer and the bark of birch trees to make a coil of solid rope. Then he crafted a set of tools for pulling the sled and put them onto the doe.

After two months of domestication, that doe was no longer afraid of Henry and the Divine Baby.

They no longer needed to put a leash on it, nor would it run away. It would approach the house at the same time every day in search of food and to let Henry milk it.

The fawn did not grow any larger, and it became good friends with the Divine Baby, carrying him around every day in search of fun.

As for the herd of deer, they seemed to have started migrating, the number of deer in the birch forest had begun decreasing.

"Let's go! Maybe we'll find something if we follow the herd!"

Henry led the Divine Baby up on the sled and let the giant deer pull it. They left the birch forest and stepped into the vast snow-covered plains.

The deer ran extremely quickly through the plains.

After an entire day of running, they had already nearly ran a thousand miles! In the evening, the herd of deer had arrived at another white birch forest, where they fed on grass and rested.

Henry quickly noticed that many beasts had already gathered in that white birch forest.

There were goats as big as horses with a single horn on its head, while some had four rows of fangs... There were many other fierce beasts outside the white birch forest, eyeing the herbivores, ready to hunt them.

Henry pulled out the feather cane and erected it into the sleigh.

When those fierce beasts saw the feather on the top of the cane, they quickly withdrew and did not dare to enter the birch forest.

Henry and his son lit a fire in the middle of the birch forest and erected the feather cane, then they went to sleep.

There was not a single beast that dared to disturb them.

All the herbivores seemed to have noticed that the carnivorous beasts near the feather cane did not dare to approach them, so they also surrounded Henry's feather cane and rested.

Henry's feather cane had become a holy staff that could ward off ferocious beasts! The next day, the group of beasts carried on migrating.

Henry sat on the sled pulled by the giant deer and followed behind the herd of beasts.

He knew that wherever the beasts were headed, they must have known long ago that that was a habitable place.

He might discover something new there.

The herd of beasts moved through the snowy plains. The snow was getting increasingly heavier, and the it was getting colder and colder.

Henry gradually came across many other herds of beasts.

There were wooly mammoths, giant bison covered in thick fur, they all looked magical beasts that had been wiped out in the ancient land tens of thousands of years ago.

The herd of beasts gradually began to gather into a massive stampede of beasts.


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