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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1991

"Swish..." Henry entered that distorted, twisted, stretched space once again, which felt incredibly strange.

However, that feeling only lasted for a moment! Henry's eyes were pitch black, and the giant deer had pulled his sled into a new space when he could see again.

Henry's eyes had not adapted to the light there yet when he saw a huge black shadow pass by.

It seemed to be a giant beast. It bit off the neck of the deer that pulled the sled! Henry quickly raised the feather staff up high.

Upon seeing the feather on the staff, the monstrous beast picked up the giant deer and fled! The snow sleigh was dragged violently by the giant beast as it ran wildly all the way! Its speed was faster than that of the giant deer! Henry and the Divine Baby had no choice but to grab on to the sled desperately.

The sound of the wind whistled in Henry's ears! After the beast had run for a while, Henry calmed down and noticed that the space they had arrived at was a dark forest.

The sky above the forest was dark and starry.

He looked back and saw that the place he came out of was a huge door of light.

Although they had travelled for quite a distance, countless beasts could still be faintly seen constantly charging out of the huge door of light.

In that dark forest, giant beasts seemed to be running out of giant doors of light everywhere! Henry observed the giant beast that was running with the giant deer in its mouth once more, it looked to be a giant leopard.

It seemed to be afraid of the white feather on Henry's staff, so it ran like crazy.

However, it was reluctant to part with the giant deer in its mouth, so it dragged the sleigh onwards, not even stopping to catch its breath.

Henry took out his bow and shot an arrow at the giant leopard.

The arrow hit the leopard's rump, it felt the pain but it caused it to run even faster! Henry was about to reload his bow when he suddenly heard a human voice coming from the front.

"This is the giant beast that ran from the Gate of Rest in the north!"

"Let's fire the arrows together!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Arrows rained down from the sky, accompanied by the voices of people! The giant leopard was suddenly shot by many arrows.

Although those arrows were not very long to the giant leopard, many of them hit its eyes, throat and vital parts.

The giant leopard stumbled forward a little more before it fell to the ground and died.

"Look, there's a sled behind the giant leopard!"

A woman's voice sounded.


Henry shouted in surprise.

He could tell that it was Cesia who had spoken just now! "Brother Henry!"



A group of people ran out of the dark forest.

The ones before him were none other than Cesia, Ranjeet and Gardiner! "What the..." Seeing that the three of them were safe and sound, Henry, who had been worried of them all the while, finally relaxed a little.

"Brother Henry!"

After letting out another cry, Cesia rushed over and threw herself into Henry's arms.

"When did you two start turning into cavemen?"

Gardiner scanned Henry from head to toe and said with a smile.

The current Henry and the Divine Baby were both wearing thick clothing made of animal hide, a hat made of animal hide, and Henry had a feather staff made of bone in his hand. They both really looked like cavemen.

"How are you all still fine and well?

Didn't you encounter any danger?"

Henry looked at Cesia, Ranjeet and Gardiner with curiosity.

They were all in their original clothes, with bows and arrows in their hands. They did not look as pathetic as Henry at all.


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