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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 213

After the assassins of Secret Killers left Glory Hotel, they began to flee in panic.

An unlicensed van was parked in a small alley. The Chief Killer was holding a Dragon Head Crutch. Just as he was about to get on the van, he heard a gloomy voice coming from behind him.

"Where are you going?"

The voice seemed to come from the bottom of the hell, making him feel bone-chilling cold.

The Chief Killer slowly turned around. When he saw the figure with a mask and a sharp knife in his hand, his face was as pale as ashes.

The other side came with a knife in hand. He waved the knife in his hand at the Chief Killer.

The edge of the knife became larger and larger in front of the chief's eyes. At this moment, he recalled what he had heard before.

Reaper was everywhere!

Selena brought her husband to Five and Nine room. Listening to the laughter coming from the room, Selena's face was full of displeasure.

"Husband, they are sitting in there. Family Lin invited them to dinner and just helped that guy humiliate me. You have to avenge me!"

"The Lins?" Selena's husband showed disdain on his face. "It's just a small company in a remote area. How can they fight against me? Let's go and meet them!"

Selena's husband pushed open the door of the private room.

As soon as he entered the door, the people inside the door subconsciously laid their eyes on him.

When Sylvia saw Selena standing at the door, her face suddenly changed and she stood up. "Sister Selena, what's the matter?"

Today was the first time for Sylvia to invite Henry's friends to dinner. She didn't want to encounter any unpleasant things.

"Nothing much. I just came here to have a look." Selena said with a proud face. "By the way, let me introduce my husband, Troy Fu, chairman of Puying Business Company of Anshi."

Troy looked arrogant. After glancing around the room, he often looked at the Moon Goddess, Future and Sylvia.

Although Selena was also a beauty, compared with the three women in the room who had different styles, she looked ordinary.

Selena then turned to Troy and said, "Honey, this is Sylvia Lin, the president of Lins Group."

"I know Lins Group." Troy nodded and said, "I remember that one year or two ago, people of Lins Group came to me for cooperation but I refused. After all, it's just a small company. It's a bit odd to send a representative to come, isn't it?"

Troy's words covered a variety of meanings. First of all, he didn't take the Lins Group seriously. He ridiculed the Lins for being a small company and highlighted his own status at the same time.

Sylvia's face changed and she said, "Sister Selena, if you and your partner are here for a drink, I welcome you. If you need me for other things, I'm sorry, I have important friends here today. We can talk another day."

"Another day? What do you mean? Look at this group of people. They're dressed like idiots, are they non-mainstream?" Selena looked at Redhead and covered her mouth with a smile.


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