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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 214

At the end of the dinner, Henry suggested that everyone leave and meet again the next day.

Sylvia apologized once again.

After leaving the hotel, Sylvia walked beside Henry. She lowered her head and her beautiful face was full of shame. "Honey, I'm really sorry about what happened today."

"What are you talking about?" Henry looked at the woman next to him and took the initiative to hold her little hand.

This hand-holding gesture made Sylvia's body tremble. She looked up at the man next to her, who was looking at her with a smile.

"Honey, are you sure you don't blame me?" Sylvia asked carefully.

Henry looked at Sylvia strangely. "Blame you? Why should I blame you? Everyone was having a good meal and chatted well. We're all very happy. I have to thank you. You don't know how much Wade envied me for finding such a good wife."

Henry's straightforward praise made Sylvia blush. She turned her head in a hurry, raised her legs, and took a step forward slowly. "Honey, Wade said that you quit smoking for me. They can't believe it."

"Ha, ha." Henry laughed. "Why? For you, I'm willing to do anything, not to mention quit smoking."

Sylvia, who was slowly walking forward, stopped. She turned around and stood face to face with Henry. The woman's small hand that was grabbed by Henry held Henry's big hand. She tiptoed, kissed Henry's side face like a dragonfly skimming the water. Then she let go of Henry's hand, turned around, and strode forward.

This kiss made Henry shocked for a few seconds. He touched his side face, with the fragrance of a woman's lips.

Seeing that the woman had gone far, Henry, who was full of joy, quickly followed her.

On the other side, Selena and her husband, Troy, walked out of the hotel after eating and drinking.

During the meal, Troy's mind was full of the two gorgeous beauties in Henry's room. Each of them could be said to be perfect.

Although Troy met a lot of models in the past, he had never met such a top-grade one, which made him feel itchy in his heart.

Selena drank three rounds and her face turned red. She held Troy's arm and said coquettishly with her charming eyes, "Husband, let's find a place to rest. I can't wait."

Troy looked at Selena's appearance and swallowed his saliva. Although this woman's appearance and figure couldn't be compared with the two women just now, Selena was extremely good in bed.

Holding Selena in his arms, Troy directly returned to Glory hotel. They were going to get a big room.

"Ah! Isn't that Mr. Fu?" A beautiful woman in white walked towards him and looked at Troy in surprise.

Troy's heart jumped when he saw this woman. Wasn't she the one he saw in the room just now? Was she waiting for him specifically?

Troy smiled with satisfaction in his heart. He had seen this trick so many times that these women came to him when his family property was exposed. Looking at the beautiful and graceful figure and perfect facial features, Troy swallowed hard.

"Why, beautiful? Are you looking for me?" Troy pretended to be polite and asked.

"No, no." Future waved her hand repeatedly. "It's just a coincidence."



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