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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 118

Elie was aware of Hailey's affair, and she had also shown Jordan the photos of Hailey's rendezvous with Cayden.

Any man in Jordan's shoes wouldn't be able to act as if nothing had happened.

It just so happens that Jordan was kicked out of the Steele family at this moment.

Elie guessed that Jordan's expulsion was, more likely than not, a sham to trick Hailey into divorcing him!

In order to win Jordan's heart, Elie deliberately criticized him for being a penniless man so as to trigger Hailey's materialistic mindset and make her feel terrible.

She also hoped that Hailey and Jordan would get divorced sooner so that she could marry him.

Diana smacked the table furiously and hollered, "Have you guys had enough!?! Why are you still arguing about trivial things like whether Elie's clothes are dirty and whether she has a boyfriend or not, at such a juncture!?!"

Whether Jordan could inherit the tens of billions of dollars worth of assets belonging to the Steeles was the most crucial issue at the moment!

Diana pondered over it carefully for a long time before suddenly asking Jordan, "Jordan, how is your relationship with both your brothers?"

Jordan answered truthfully, "We used to be rather close when we were kids, but after we grew up, my grandfather arranged for me to go to different places for my various trials. I've barely contacted them in the past few years, and it's been five or six years since we last met."

Diana nodded and said, "Yes, the dispute over assets and property has always been very intense in wealthy families like yours. The sudden appearance of your DNA paternity test report that was done more than ten years ago is very likely to be the doing of your brothers who are trying to smear you!"

After hearing her words, Sylvie frantically said, "Yes, Jordan's brothers must have slandered Jordan because they want those dozens of billions of dollars worth of assets, all to themselves."

Benedict agreed with that viewpoint.

Jordan didn't expect them to think from that perspective, and all of a sudden, he was at a loss for words for an explanation.

Diana continued, "Also, the DNA paternity test that Butler Frank had done with your hair sample may not necessarily be accurate. I heard that only hairs plucked from the root would give accurate results."

"Jordan, I think you should go to England to meet your grandfather and do another DNA paternity test in his presence. Even if you turn out to not be related to the Steeles by blood, you've spent decades living with them after all, and they will treat you as their own on account of the feelings you've nurtured with them."

Sylvie hurriedly agreed, "Yes, yes, Jordan, you have to go to England. Take Hailey with you and see your grandfather. When he sees you, he'll simmer down." "Being parents ourselves, we know how hard it is to raise a child, and the ties that you've had with them over the past two decades or so can't be broken that easily."

Jordan had expected that the Camdens would want to go to England, so he was prepared for that.

Jordan shook his head and said, "I was planning to go to England too, but Butler Frank said very clearly that Grandpa doesn't want to see me."

"Besides, I've just received a call from the UK Visas & Immigration that I'm not permitted entry to the UK."

Everyone was shocked to hear that.

Sylvie asked in astonishment, "Why? But we don't need visas to travel to the UK, do we?"

Elie, who was sitting on the couch with one leg over the other, said with disdain, "Don't be silly, isn't it normal for the authorities to intervene and decide who is permitted to enter? When I went abroad last year, a man in front of me was pulled out of the queue at the airport while waiting to undergo the security checks."

"The airport staff told him that they received a message from immigration saying that he was not allowed into the country and wouldn't let him register even though he had a valid visa at the time!"

At this moment, Hailey interjected, "I got a call too. Just like Jordan, I'm refused entry."


The Camdens were surprised.

Diana said, "The Steeles are indeed very powerful. They can even make someone be denied entry to England.

Jordan, it seems that your grandfather is determined not to see you."

Jordan said with a look of misery, "Why is Grandpa being so heartless!?!"

Seeing how upset Jordan was, Diana thought that it would be inappropriate to question him further.

She said, "Jordan, I'll ask my friend in England to find your grandfather and see if we can arrange for you to meet him to talk things over. In the meantime, try to have a talk with Butler Frank and see if there's a chance to turn things around."


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