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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 119

Apart from the period of time where Jordan neglected Hailey when they were "divorced," he had been taking care of her unconditionally every single day of the three years of their marriage.

But what did Hailey do to Jordan?

When Jordan was the president of Ace Corporation during this period of time, Hailey had been extremely docile and compliant towards him.

Other times, her attitude was the complete opposite!

She was now back to her usual self in the past as Jordan was expelled from the Steele family!

'Does she really love me? If she doesn't, why would she remember the songs I've listened to and my favorite foods?'

'But if she loves me, why would she mock me when I'm down and out?'

'Shouldn't a wife be comforting her husband and giving him her encouragement when his career is in the doldrums?'

While Jordan was melancholic and emotional, Hailey had already reached the bedroom.

Hailey got on the bed and leaned against the cushion while calling Rachel on the phone.

"Rachel, are you asleep?"

Jordan, who was resting his head on the bar top counter in the living room, heard Hailey's voice as she spoke on

the phone.

Thus, Jordan immediately got up from the bar top counter and quietly walked barefooted towards the bedroom, where he stood outside the door to eavesdrop.

Hailey didn't close the door entirely and instead left it slightly ajar.

Hence, Jordan could not only hear her voice clearly, but he could also even see Hailey through the crack in the door.

Rachel asked, "1 knew you'd call me. I'm not going to bed yet. How are things going on your side? Has your husband managed to contact his grandfather yet?"

Hailey answered, "No, Jordan and I are denied entry to the UK. It seems like his grandfather is bent on disowning him. Jordan had been drowning his sorrows in wine, and he's now lying in the living room."

Rachel said, "Hailey, I think you'd better make plans for your future sooner. If nothing works, just divorce Jordan. Cayden adores you, and his family is worth dozens of billions of dollars too. They aren't any inferior to the Steeles."

Hailey sighed and said, "Jordan and I have been married for three years, and I'm expecting his child. How can I just divorce him? Besides, Grandma wouldn't agree to it. I'm also worried that Jordan might be staging his expulsion from his family. What if I find out that he's really pretending only after I divorce him? It's not the first time he's pretended to be poor."

Hailey had divorced Jordan once, and although it wasn't legally valid, she had learned her lesson.

Hence, she didn't dare to divorce Jordan easily now.

If Jordan becomes the president of Ace Corporation again after she divorces him, she will become a fool.

Rachel laughed and said, "That's easy. You can test Jordan."

Hailey asked, "How?"

Rachel had a flash of inspiration, and she said, "You can call Cayden and Tyler and ask them to come to Orlando. If Jordan is deliberately deceiving you, he must know about your affairs with Cayden and Tyler. When the time comes, you can casually inform Jordan about their arrival in Orlando."

"If the Steeles haven't kicked out Jordan, he'd definitely be able to turn the both of them into cripples, given his power."

"You can then keep close tabs on Cayden and Tyler and see if anything happens to them."

Hailey said with surprise, "Get Tyler and Cayden to come to Orlando. If they both get beaten up, it means that Jordan is staging his expulsion. If they both remain unscathed, it'll prove that Jordan has really become penniless."

"Good idea! Rachel, I'm so glad to have you as a best friend. You've been helping me ever since I reconciled with Jordan."

Standing by the door outside the bedroom, Jordan couldn't hear what Rachel said. He could only hear Hailey's voice.

However, he could roughly guess the content of their conversation based on Hailey's words.

'I've guessed it right. This vicious wench, Rachel Quinn, has been instigating Hailey and encouraging her to cheat on me all this while. She has known about Hailey's affairs with Tyler Collins and Cayden Huxley all along!'


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