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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1019

On the day when the two of them were at the police station, Adam wrote down his name and mobile phone number on the form for Anthea, and she memorized the phone number in her heart.

She didn't know why, but the first person she thought of was Adam...


Adam's low and deep voice came from the line.

Although Anthea could hear his voice now, she was still very nervous. His voice could bring her happiness and pressure at the same time. Anthea stuttered, "It's me! Uncle Chin. I'm Anthea!"

"I know," Adam replied.

Although the caller ID appeared to be a strange number, Anthea was the only girl who could call him "uncle".

Anthea pinched her fingers and asked tentatively, "Uncle, how are you doing? Are you busy now?"

"I just came out after a conference of the military office," Adam replied. He had been in the army for many years, and therefore he could feel something wrong simply with her sound of breathing. Then, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Anthea didn't beat around the bush and answered directly, "Is it possible for you to come to our school now? Something has gone wrong with me. The Dean wants to see my parents now. Can you just help me..."

After that, she became even more nervous, especially when she noticed that Adam didn't answer her immediately.

Anthea hesitated to add, "Uncle, please..."

Adam thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll help you."

Anthea breathed a sigh of relief and hung up the phone. She thought it was lucky Adam didn't ask her how did she know his number, because the answer would make her embarrassed. After all, it was not because of her super memory, but because she had deliberately memorized it...

At this time of the day, there were very few people near the gate of Vaden High School. The students were in class, and only the gatekeeper, an old man, was drinking his afternoon tea in the guard room.

Anthea felt a little tired after standing for a long time. Then, she simply squatted on the ground and waited for Adam.

As time went by, the bell for the end of the first class had already rung. At this time, the campus was restored to quietness again, and the second class


Looking at the crowded street outside, Anthea became more and more anxious, because the green jeep that she had been waiting for didn't show up after she waited for more than 40 minutes. She was afraid that Adam didn't really want to come over to help her...

After all, they had met each other for only a few times. He might think that this so-called niece of him, who had been raised up outside of the Hsu family, was a very troublesome girl.

Just as Anthea was feeling disappointed, the green jeep finally came.

From far away, Adam could see Anthea squatting on the ground and waiting for him. She was wearing a school uniform, and her ponytail looked lovely and refreshing. Half of her face was hidden under her crossed arms, while her eyelashes were thick and charming.

She shrugged her shoulders, as if she was an abandoned kitten.

Feeling the shadow over her head, Anthea looked around. The first thing she saw was a pair of military boots.

"He's really here!"

Anthea's eyes immediately lit up like shining stars.

Looking up, she saw Adam's face which was handsome and barely bearing smiles. She looked at him happily and jumped up in excitement. "Uncle Chin!"

"Uh-huh." Adam nodded.


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