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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1053

Master Hsu started to talk about family and daily matters, "Anthea, have you been studying hard recently? It's said that the last year of senior high school is very critical. Will applying for colleges be very stressful?"

"It is fine!" Anthea replied obediently.

"Speaking of applying for colleges, I thought of something!" Master Hsu patted his thigh and said proudly, "Adam was the top student in the science course of our province. He got a high score and enrolled at the military university. His score ranked No.1 among the freshmen! You have to learn from him!"

Hearing that, Anthea quietly clenched her fists on her knees and said with some hesitation, "I think mathematics is difficult..."

Hearing her words, Master Hsu immediately said, "That's easy. I'll ask Adam to tutor you. He is on leave in Ice city for a while. You need to improve your grades!"

"Isn't it too much trouble for Adam?"

"It's okay. I'll talk to him when he comes later!"

While they were talking, Adam opened the door of the private room and walked in.

He was wearing a black T-shirt with a V-neck, which showed his protruding throat and clavicle, black casual trousers, and a pair of military boots, looking high-spirited.

After they greeted each other, Adam took his seat across from Anthea.

After Master Hsu and Adam finished talking about their business, he turned to look at her. When he put down his cup, he coughed and said, "By the way, Adam! There's something I want to ask you for help!"

Adam raised his black eyes and looked at him with an inquiring look.

Master Hsu said with a smile, "Anthea is applying for colleges. You are on vacation these days, so I want to ask you to tutor her for some time! She doesn't have classes on weekend nights. Could you spend some time tutoring her?"

Holding the chopsticks, Anthea's grip couldn't help but tighten.

When Adam looked at her, she lowered her eyes subconsciously.

When Anthea was framed up in the exam, Adam came to the school and watched her doing the exam, so she did not dare to meet his dark eyes.

She was afraid that she would reveal the little secret to him.

She was also afraid that he would reject her...

Adam's eyes moved away from her face and looked at Master Hsu, "Okay."

"Adam, thank you!" Master Hsu said happily.

"No problem," Adam said in a low voice.

Only then did Anthea raise her head and blink her eyes, "Thank you, Adam!"

She lowered her head and kept eating. When no one noticed it, she smiled silently.

After lunch, Anthea walked across the road and went back to school. Not needing anyone to drive her, she left alone with her hands clasped behind her back.

Adam held the car key in his hand and said, "Dad, let me send you home."

Master Hsu smiled and waved his hand, "No need, you can do your things. I'll ask Jayden to pick me up.

I am going to Hsu's Group in the afternoon. There's a meeting of shareholders, and I need to be there!"

While they were talking, Jayden arrived at the restaurant. "Dad! Adam!"

"Adam, come visit me more when you have time!" "Sure."

After saying goodbye, Master Hsu leaned over and got into the car.

When Adam turned around and wanted to go to the Jeep, Jayden stopped him, "Adam!"

"What is it?" Adam stopped.


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