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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1107

It was in the afternoon; the sun was at its peak.

Anthea leaned against the tent, biting a compressed biscuit while enjoying the warm sunlight outside with her eyes closed.

Whenever she thought of the kiss last night, her heart would beat faster.

As soon as she finished her words, Adam kissed her again.

This kiss was much more passionate than before. She was so inexperienced that she could only try her best to respond to his kiss. In the end, it was unknown who bit the other one's tongue. When they separated, his scent still lingered on her, with the smell of blood.

Suddenly, someone tugged at the hem of her clothes, and she heard a crisp child's voice. "Little sister!"

Anthea looked down and saw a little boy standing in front of her. The boy was looking up at her, his skin tanned and his eyes full of innocence.

It was the naughty boy who drowned himself in the water yesterday. He was not as weak as yesterday. Instead, he looked pretty energetic.

Anthea was amused. "You naughty, how can you become lively so quickly?"

"A blind fortune-teller had told my grandma that I could live to a hundred years old!" The little boy said proudly.

"Oh, really!" Anthea pinched his cheek and stuffed the rest compressed biscuits in his hand. "You can't always get into mischief. What you did yesterday is too dangerous!"

The little boy argued. "I am not a naughty boy. I just want to find 'Luna' back!"

"Luna?" Anthea was confused.

The little boy nodded and told her in a crisp voice, "Well, it's my cat, a good cate. When the flood came, it ran to the hillside. Now it can't get down, so my Luna must be very scared! The village is full of water, and I can't swim. I can't swim across the water to get it back!"

Anthea heard this and looked at the hillside on the other side of the village. Only then did she know how he fell into water yesterday.

The little boy grabbed her clothes again and looked at her expectantly. "Little sister, can you help me find it?"

So, this was what the kiddo was planning. He probably knew that it was her who saved him yesterday, so he came here to ask for her help.

"I know where it is, and I can find it once I get there!" The little boy's hands holding her clothes swung back and forth as he begged eagerly, "Please!"

Anthea looked embarrassed, but she did not know how to refuse.

After all, when so many days had passed, this cat might have died already. However, if she did not agree, she was afraid that this naughty child would look for his cat again and might drown the second time while everyone was not paying attention.

After a long period of hesitation, she nodded and said, "Okay, wait a minute!"

She first returned to the medical center and transferred things on her hands to Leonardo. Then she came out and took the little boy's hand. "Let's go. I'll take you to find 'Luna'!"

They walked towards the military tents.

At this time, there was only a soldier left, and the others had gone to the village to search for residents who might still be alive.

Of course, Anthea would not stupidly swim there. She picked up a rubber boat and put on a life jacket. Seeing this, the little boy insisted on going with her. She had no choice but to take one more life jacket for him.

There was a lake in the town where she grew up. When they were free, she would often go boating with her adoptive parents.

In her eyes, the boat and rubber boat was almost the same.

Anthea climbed into the rubber boat and tried to paddle it a few times. After becoming familiar with it, she moved the boat in the flood water toward the hillside the little boy pointed at.

An hour later, she paddled back, panting heavily.

In addition to them, there was a little living creature in the boat.

When she stopped the rubber boat on the shore piled up with sacks of cement, Anthea first carried the little boy out of it. Then she dropped the paddle and climbed out of the rubber boat. After that, she bent down and pulled the boat to the shore. When everything was done, her back was soaked.


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