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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1296

In the afternoon, Adam sat in a coffee house.

There was a medical college nearby, so most of the customers here were young college couples, gathering in crowds. They chatted and laughed, bringing a sweet atmosphere.

Adam sat by the window with a burning cigarette between his fingers.

The sunlight from outside the window shone on his handsome face. He sat there silently like a statue and had not moved for a long time, letting the long cone of ash hang at the end of his cigarette.

Only when he heard the footsteps come and stop beside him did he come to himself and put out the cigarette in the ashtray.

Carter stands still. "Captain Chin, all the relevant surveillance videos from the cameras that can be checked are here!"

He placed a laptop with a tiny U Disk on the desk before Adam.

"The accident happened a long time ago, and the surveillance would be updated automatically every once in a while. Fortunately, the meticulous owner of this cafe house kept all the surveillance videos from its opening to the present!" Carter said.

Adam nodded and said, "Okay. You can go about your business."

"Yes!" Carter saluted.

Noticing that his boss was in an unusual blue mood, Carter did not dare to joke with him. He just turned around and left the cafe house.

Adam turned on the laptop.

He knew nothing about the accident that caused Master Hsu's death.

He was on a mission when he received the news that Master Hsu had passed away. As he rushed back, Master Hsu was laid to rest and his funeral was also over. Adam thought it was purely an accident. He only knew that the driver who hit him seemed to have escaped and had not been caught yet.

But he did not expect that his little girl was involved in it.

Adam thought that she proposed the breakup because his father said something to her and asked her to leave him, but it had never occurred to him that...

Now he finally understood why she refused to go back to him.

Adam turned on the computer, his index finger touching the control board gently to play the videos. It was the scene of the coffee shop, and he saw Master Hsu and Anthea sitting face to face.

Anthea's small face drooped down, and she was holding a cup of cappuccino in her hand.

Master Hsu's expression was very ugly. It seemed that he was reprimanding her. While Anthea remained silent, her long eyelashes trembling. Adam could see her red-rimmed eyes and the tears rolling down from the corners of her eyes.

She sat there stiffly. Her panic and helpless look was a real wrench for Adam.

Adam felt a sharp pain in his chest.

His heart also ached for her.

His little girl had to go through all of this alone when he was not by her side.

At that time, she was still a sophomore, less than 20 years old. How could her slender and thin body bear all of this alone?

In the video, Master seemed to be persuading her to do something, but she had never nodded. She clenched the cup as if only by doing so could she gain some strength. Then she stood up and ran with tears all over her face.

Master Hsu, who was sitting opposite her, got very emotional.

At this time, his phone beside the table rang. After this brief call, he sighed sadly, stood up, and chased after Anthea.

Adam lit another cigarette.

He took two long drags on it. Then a lot of smoke dispersed from his mouth and nose.

A light and painful look gradually emerged on his handsome facial features among the white smoke.

The laptop was still playing the videos. After that, it was the video on the street outside the cafe house, which was also the evidence obtained by the police at that time.


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