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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1308

In the evening, in the private hospital...

No matter when, the emergency center was always the busiest place, while the sound of footsteps of doctors and nurses could be heard everywhere.

Anthea was sitting on one of the emergency beds, with a needle inserted into the back of her hand.

Every emergency bed was separated from the others by a blue curtain. Although the sound of footsteps outside could be heard, the narrow space within the blue curtain was very quiet.

It was not her illusion at all.

Adam's tall and strong figure was now standing near a cabinet by her side.

His military uniform had been blotted by a lot of black or gray ashes. At that time, what she saw was not an illusion. It was reality. Adam had jumped in through the window to save her from a large fire.

Adam untied the rope around her hands and feet, held her up, and then ran out of the fire.

When the two of them came out of the building, the fire on the top floor was out of control. The whole storey was burning, and there was a tendency that the fire would be spread to lower floors.

The firefighting trucks and patrol wagons arrived one after another. Adam directly sent Anthea to the hospital.

By now, Anthea had finished a series of examinations.

Her body was fine, but she had been choked by some smoke, and therefore her throat was a little swollen.

Adam's timely arrival had saved her from dying in the big fire.

Anthea's eyes were now lowered, and her long eyelashes were drawn back, leaving only two curved shadows.

Her fingers, which were hiding by her side, curled up with mixed emotions.

Adam was the man who could save her regardless of any danger.

And he was perhaps the only one who was willing to do so.

Seeing that Anthea had kept her head lowered for a long time, Adam thought that she might be suffering from the mental shock of the big fire. He put his hand onto her head, consoling her, "Anthea, don't be afraid!"

Anthea raised her head, and the two of them looked into each other's eyes. There were repressed

emotions flowing in the eye contact between them.

The curtain was suddenly lifted.

Carter's head got into the curtain. He then realized that it would not be the right time for him to do so because Anthea and Adam were looking at each other intimately, but he had been noticed by them. For a moment, Carter was in a dilemma.

He made a face and said, "Ahem... Well... Should I leave now and come back later?"

Carter didn't dare to joke further when his captain's cold gaze landed on his face. He stepped forward and saluted solemnly. "Captain Chin, the two criminals have been sent to the police station! According to their confessions, the one who hired them to kidnap Anthea is from the Hsu family!"

Anthea pursed her lips. "Uncle Hsu or Madam Jiles?"

"Madam Jiles!" Carter confirmed.

"I know it!" Anthea's eyes were indifferent.

It was obvious that Madam Jiles deliberately kidnapped Anthea to make it impossible for her to inherit Master Hsu's legacy.

In fact, Anthea had already guessed it.

When she was kidnapped at the beginning, she guessed that there might be a number of possibilities. She had not made any personal enemies in her life and work, and it was also

impossible for her to fall victim to the conflict of doctor-patient relationship. She thought that it might be someone from the Hsu family who wanted to hurt or threaten her.

Not long ago, when Anthea and her lawyer visited the Hsu family, there was a big conflict between them.

Jayden Hsu and Madam Jiles tried to blame Anthea for Master Hsu's death. However, what Anthea could see in the eyes of the two of them was only the greediness for wealth.

After all, every human being might have some evil ideas in the face of such a gigantic amount of wealth!

Carter looked at Adam and reported, "Captain Chin, after matching a number of DNA index, it is confirmed that the criminal we arrested today, whose surnamed is Linzell, is exactly the escaped criminal who killed Master Hsu in a car accident six years ago!"

Anthea became excited. "Is it true? Did you really catch the person who escaped after the car accident?"

Now she could figure out what had happened.

The reason why Adam and Carter appeared there was that they had acquired some clues of the escaped criminal and came over there to arrest him.


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