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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1341

"You must be scared after being brought all the way here from Francis. There is still some time. You can sleep for a while, otherwise you will be unable to bear on your journey later!" Miss Celestin seemed to be very considerate.

The woman utterly trusted her and said gratefully, "Thank you, Miss Celestin!"

"I'll come back at three o'clock in the morning, and I'll knock three times in a row as a signal!" Miss Celestin added, but only she knew that these were just perfunctory words. She wouldn't come back after she got out of this apartment.

"Okay!" The woman said solemnly and looked at her watch to count the time.

"Then I'll go first!" Miss Celestin said calmly.

The woman wanted to see her off, but Amelie waved her back and refused for safety.

The woman turned around and went to sit on the sofa with her daughter. Amelie began to walk outside.

When she passed by the door, she stopped for a second.

The kitchen on the right side was open, without a door. She quietly stepped into it and took out a Swiss army knife from her pocket. After the blade popped out, it was shining with a sharp light.

She cut the rubber pipe connected to the natural gas pipeline very quickly.

Then, she put away the knife and left quickly.

The woman did not dare to turn on too many lights in the room, only leaving a small floor lamp next to the sofa on. Although she was arranged to hide here, she had been worried all the time. She was afraid that the two policemen would hunt her down.

She held her daughter and was not going to sleep. She just wanted to wait until 3 am.

The little girl in her arms suddenly moaned. "Mom, I have a headache."

The woman frowned and quickly put her hand on her daughter's forehead. The temperature was normal, but the child's reaction was very strange. Not only did she have a headache, but also she felt sick and wanted to vomit.

At the same time, she smelled something strange in the air.

Oh no, the natural gas was leaking!

The woman suddenly panicked and ran to the kitchen. As expected, the smell was stronger here.

The first thing she wanted to do was to open the door and escape, but she found that the door had been locked from the outside!

The windows couldn't open either. Like the door, they were all sealed from the outside!

The woman felt a chill down her spine and the cold sweat broke out all over her body.

If they continued to live like this, they would die of carbon monoxide.

In the alley in front of the residential building, a taxi was parked.

The driver in front was smoking, and the taximeter had already been turned on. A female passenger dressed in a dark coat was sitting in the back. She had put the hood on her head to cover most part of her face, but it still could be made out that she was very beautiful.

Amelie was calculating the time.

The natural gas was leaking. Within half an hour, the mother and daughter in the apartment would die of suffocation due to the excessive carbon monoxide.

A ferocious look burst out of her beautiful eyes, which made her face a bit distorted.

After the kidnapping case was uncovered, she had made a promise to Wesley.

She asked him to keep his mouth shut about her and accuse Madam Jiles of doing all the crimes. And then she would give his wife and daughter an extra large sum of money, which was definitely enough for them to live for the rest of their life.

But if he dared to betray her, she would make his wife and daughter pay with their lives!

However, she was going to break her promise now.

His wife and daughter were just so unlucky.

Anthea had met them in Francis!

Now they were arranged to be taken back to Ice city by the police. If this case was carefully investigated, Wesley would be suspected. Whenever the police got a clue from him, she was likely to be found out. For the sake of safety, she had to go all out.


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