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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1393

After checking the fetal position, the director said Anthea could try natural labor. Then, he entered the delivery room with the nurses and prepared to help her deliver the baby!

Emerson walked back and forth in the corridor.

He anxiously pulled off his tie, staring at the delivery room door with intense eyes.

It was just like six years ago. In other people's eyes, he was the anxious father waiting outside. But he did not feel the same way and was concerned about Anthea only as a friend. He did not cross the border between a friend and a lover.

Adam was at the headquarters in the military base. He had rushed back as soon as he received the news. However, he still needed some time to be here, so Emerson had to stay here on his behalf.

When Anthea lost her first baby, Emerson was there the whole process.

At that time, the doctor told them that Anthea might no longer become a mother in the future. This baby in her belly was a miracle. Emerson knew how difficult it was for the couple to get this baby. If anything terrible happened to it, it would be a fatal blow to Anthea and Adam.

At that time, Emerson's conscience would also be condemned.

Anyway, Bunny was his woman.

If she made any mistake, he would be responsible for it.

Emerson could not help but think of the scene that Bunny ran away with red eyes. He was so excited with anger that he rebuked her harshly. At this time, her eyes must have become red and swollen because of crying, just like what she did after doing damage to the car.

Emerson put his hand into his trouser pocket.

He wanted to take out his phone and call someone in his villa, but only to find that the phone running out of battery had turned off.

Emerson frowned.

He felt that something was missing. Slightly raising his wrist, he found that the phone chain hanging at the bottom of his phone had disappeared. Now there was only a pink, light rope dangling there.

The door of the delivery room was pushed open.

Emerson did not have time to think about it. He hurriedly went forward and asked, "How is it?"

The director smiled and said, "Both the mother and daughter are safe!"

Hearing this, Emerson was utterly relieved.

Anthea had an easy labor. Though it was quite thrilling at first, it was relatively smooth after she was sent to the hospital.

The little baby’s cry was loud and clear. The baby weighed about 3 kilos at birth. She was much healthier than many premature babies.

However, since the baby had just been born and arrived earlier than expected, it had to be sent to the incubator for the sake of safety.

When Anthea was pushed out, she was awake but had little strength. She was wet all over with strands of hair stuck to her cheeks as if she had just been pulled out of the river, but she was smiling the whole time.

She looked radiant with the gentle smile to her baby.

The nurse pushed her back to the ward. When Anthea saw Emerson coming in, she called him weakly, "Young Master Chiang!"

Emerson was so worried about her safety! But now, he felt as happy and relieved as a survivor of a disaster and could not help teasing her with a smile. "Miss, it's so good that you wake up. Otherwise, I'm afraid that Adam will kill me!"

Anthea was amused at his words and asked

him, "Did you call him?"

Emerson said, "Yes, I did it when you were giving birth! He was at the base and is coming back. He'll arrive soon!"

Anthea nodded. At this time, she missed him so much and wanted to see him as soon as possible.

When she was sent to the ambulance, she was thinking about an important thing that she had to tell Emerson. But at that time, she was so painful in a confused state of mind that she could not finish a complete sentence.

At the thought of this important matter now, she hurriedly said, "You misunderstood Bunny!"

"What?" Emerson was stunned.

Anthea explained, "She didn't push me deliberately. At that time, an advertisement board above fell down. She just wanted to save me! Fortunately, she pushed me away in time; otherwise, I might have lost my baby!"


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