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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1453

When the two of them went downstairs, Holly was already sitting at the table and pouting.

She scolded them like a little adult. "Mom, Dad, you two woke up late again!"

Mila rubbed her nose.

It was not necessarily because of waking up late, but because of exhaustion of physical strength.

As Mila and Leonardo had to go to work, Holly was to stay at home alone during the day, and therefore the family needed to hire a babysitter. Holly wouldn't be sent to the kindergarten until September.

At this time, the babysitter had already arrived at their house. Her cooking skills were very good. The foods were placed on the table. They were of oriental-style breakfast, steaming hot. The babysitter greeted them and said, "Sir, Madam, the breakfast is ready!"

Hearing such a respectful greeting, Leonardo felt delightful.

The atmosphere of breakfast was cozy and comfortable.

Holly knew that it was her mother's first day for work, and therefore she wanted to behave like a good daughter. After eating breakfast, she insisted on helping her mother comb her hair. As a kid, her hands were soft and small. She was indeed unable to comb her mother's hair properly. However, as this was her little daughter's goodwill, and as there was still time left, Mila cooperated with her with a smile.

Halfway through combing her mother's hair, Holly suddenly remembered something else. She said, "Mom, you have to wear a badge!" "The badge made by Holly?" Mila asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Holly nodded. "Mom, you used to wear the badge every day when you were a doctor in Country F. Now you must also wear the badge I gave you every day. You'll then be able to cure more patients!"

When they were abroad, Mila would often take her daughter to attend some interest classes, which enabled the children to practice their manual work, on holidays or the weekends. The teacher was afraid that the children would not cooperate with her to learn manual work, and therefore she coaxed them that they would have good luck if they wear the badges. In this way, the teacher hoped to arouse the children's interests.

Holly, who was a naive child, believed that what her teacher said was true. She worked hard to make a badge. She told her mother that she had made a good wish for her in this badge. If she wore it every day, she could save many people in the future.

Whenever Mila put on her white gown, she would pin the badge on her chest and said to her lovely daughter, "Good girl!"

Before her hair was done, Mila looked at her husband and said, "Leonardo, help me to fetch the badge!"

Leonardo had been listening to the conversation between the mother and daughter, and his eyes were filled with happiness. He chuckled and asked his wife, "The badge? Where is it?"

Mila nodded and told him where to find it.

Leonardo then went upstairs.

According to what Mila said, he went to the wardrobe in the main bedroom and opened the door on the right.

Leonardo's clothes occupied half of the wardrobe, while the other half was occupied by many women's dresses which belonged to Mila. There was thus a feeling of a combination of male's firmness and female's tenderness. Leonardo liked this feeling very much.

He reached out to the second compartment where there was a handbag and the badge was said to be kept in the interlayer.

This handbag...

Leonardo could see clearly that Mila had put her handkerchief into this handbag that day.

A thought suddenly flashed across his mind.

In addition to the badge, Leonardo also took out the handkerchief. He was somewhat ashamed of it. After all, he was peeping at his wife's privacy without her permission.

Controlled by his emotions, Leonardo took the handkerchief out.

It was a man's handkerchief, of grey-blue color.

It was indeed a very old handkerchief. Its style and fabric were old-fashioned.

However, it could still be seen that Mila had kept it well, as it was clean and tidy.

Thinking of fact that this cherished handkerchief of Mila used to belong to a man, Leonardo felt envious.

He really wanted to throw this handkerchief away.

He raised his hand and was about to throw it hard at the trash can, but his hand halted in midair.

Leonardo suddenly felt that a real man shouldn't have done anything like this.


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