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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1620

The elevator rose.

The hotel was built in disorder in the garden villa. Although the buildings were not tall, they covered a large area.

Different from the banquet hall on the first floor, there was another world upstairs.

Tina saw that the elevator had risen to the top floor. She frowned and asked the waitress, "Where is the department?"

The waitress quickly replied, "We'll arrive I" soon!

When the elevator reached the fifth floor, the door opened slowly.

The corridor was filled with plant fragrance, and it was much quieter than the bustle below. The floor was covered with soft carpets, and there were paintings hanging on the wall. There was a hollow design on the ceiling, which was full of artistic atmosphere.

Looking around, there were all guest rooms.

Tina's lips curled.

Coming out of the elevator, she said to the waitress, "Wait a minute!"

After that, Tina walked to a waiter passing by with a cart and whispered in his ear, asking him to tell Wilson that she was here.

Otherwise, if Wilson didn't see her for a long time, he would be unhappy. And she also wanted to make herself feel at ease.

When Tina attended the banquet, like other female guests, she handed her phone to the staff. Therefore, at this time, she had to ask someone else to help convey the message.

After that, Tina followed the waitress.

Although the hotel was full of artistic atmosphere, it was like a maze with devious paths.

When Tina was about to lose her patience, the waitress finally stopped.

She frowned again. "Where are we going?"

They came to a particularly luxurious guest room instead of the House Keeping Department.

The waitress seemed to be afraid to make Tina unhappy, so she hurriedly explained, "Yes! It's just that there are too many things inside and no place for guests, so I found am empty guest room for you first. You can change your clothes temporarily, and then I'll ask my colleagues to help clean your dress. Is that okay?"

Her words seemed to be reasonable and she seemed to be thinking about the guests.

Tina paused and nodded.

The waitress took out a staff card and opened the door. It was indeed an empty room.

It was a top suite, with old style shoe bench at the wide porch. It led from both sides to the living room, and further inside was the bedroom.

After the waitress took Tina into the bedroom, she showed her the bathroom, "Miss, please take off your evening dress inside. I am waiting outside. Later I will take it to clear and dry, and it will take about ten minutes!"

Tina glanced at the waitress.

They were both female, so she could rest assured.

The waitress tried very hard to make up for the mistake. "Miss, do you need me with you?

Tina smiled and shook her head. "No need. I can do it myself!"

It was just a change of clothes. She did not need to be served.

The waitress said, "Okay, I'll wait for you at the door!"

Tina nodded and then closed the bathroom door. She unzipped off her dress.

She quickly took off her evening dress.

Suddenly, all the lights in the room were turned off.

Everything in front of her was pitch-dark.

Tina's heart skipped a beat.

She subconsciously wanted to pick up the evening dress, but it disappeared. Even the waitress seemed to have disappeared. It was very quiet outside the bathroom.

Tina called the waitress twice with no response.

She became wary.

This wasn't just a simple blackout.


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